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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Jason's Dreamscape "I don't quite know, but it was coming from me, but not from me. And Calano was in a dreamscape, looking for an archive." Emma doubles over as her left arm begins to flicker with an malicious aura. @InfiniteInsanity @CalanoCorvus
  2. Jason's Dreamscape "It's coming." Emma sways, barely managing to sit up, her pitch violet eyes flickering black. Each instances of blackness lasting longer than the last. Emma falls against the couch, fighting against the blackness that is coming. Barely squeaking out the words. "This is Layra, Calano's sister. Layra, this is Insa a friend of mine." @InfiniteInsanity @CalanoCorvus
  3. Jason's dreamscape "I had to stop it somehow. Oww." Emma winces, the pain of the darkness a constricting band around her head. Looking up Emma sees Layra. "Oh, hi Layra!" @CalanoCorvus @InfiniteInsanity
  4. The Forest "I feel like, I need to follow this thread." Emma tugs on it and the dome begins to rapidly collapse. A portal opens up underneath Emma and Insa. The journey is short and turbulant. At the end they are deposited at Layra's feet. @UnfortunatelyNamed @Aes Sedai @CalanoCorvus @InfiniteInsanity
  5. The Forest "I don't know. But you can call me Queen." The dome begins to constrict even more.
  6. The mask of anger at anyone who would harm the forest cracks. His pride still holding it together. I know that feeling, of being lost. Never feeling like your home, even when you are. I've been running for too far long. "I...I know what that feels like. My people never really fit in anywhere. We constantly move, at best we're barely tolerated, at worst..." A deeply bitter and angry tone enters his voice. "At worse we are hunted for what we are. We never want to harm anyone really. None in my tribe ever did, and that is what got them all murdered." @Channelknight Fadran @xinoehp512
  7. The realm of the Tiger Wizard only speaks one sorrowful word and vanishes, "my sister." Blinding light shatters and all that is left is Platypus in the dark room, Wizard having vanished. The forest The dome begins to shrink as the woman wakes up. The opacity of the dome diminishes preventing those outside from seeing in. It looks like Emma but when her eyes open they are onyx black. "Do you know who I am?" @InfiniteInsanity @Aes Sedai @UnfortunatelyNamed
  8. "No." Annimus stands firm. His curiousity tickles at his foundation, but his pride solidies his standing.
  9. "What sscroll and what do you need it for? Doess thiss mean we're sstill working together?" Secretly he was slightly relieved, he had grown but he wasn't sure it had been enough.
  10. The forest The figure on the ground turned and shifted, muttering in her sleep. Suddenly a dome of darkness sprung up around the woman, trapping Insa inside. @InfiniteInsanity
  11. "No, it's not metal. And it has to be more than just metal." Scrambling up the stairs Mercury continues to lecture Kaeni. "I can't attract to it. Because of the polarity. At least that's what I remember from the little I learned about it."
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