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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. I am part of the cul @Shining Silhouette I have a petition I need you to second, or anyone else who is here that will. Ed1t: @InfiniteInsanity second this petition please. No one can use derrogatory words to describe them selves! I first this petition, do I here a second?
  2. If you need to talk to someone I am here if you need me, though I will admit that I am not the best at social interaction. At least with people at school, easier at other places like church but hardest at school.
  3. FotTs2 is the fellowship of the thing season 2, a revive of a really fun roleplay that always open to more people. I don't think I've had to pay a late fee for a lost library book... I think TPBM needs to be focusing on something else.
  4. *Sigh* Yes, I'll sign up. Not going to have a character right now... Well I know their race, Snake-humanoid-thingie. EDIT: And I have a idea for a Technique: Spend X amount of power, if a enemy player would move into a space infront, behind, or to my side I can cause them to end their movement and all tag actions against them while constricted have advantage, but I can only have one constricted person at a time. Rough idea, I'm willing to lower it and change some things if you think it is too OP @Channelknight Fadran ...Too much D&D like I think ED2T: @Ranryu @That1Cellist, I think you may be interested in this.
  5. Yes Have you heard of Spirit Island, the board game?
  6. I am still serving waffles, though I don't know for how much longer. Get some before they run out!
  7. Ah the course of why! Why do you like pie in the sky? That little lie. That most will buy For less than dry And then it's July So they cry And we in reply tell them to apply Before they die And that is why we have guy
  8. Why you can rhyme, on a dime Come into our cult, I can say, it isn't chult Come in come in! You don't need tin!
  9. Most Patriarchs tend to have time on Sundays, if you already have the recomendation from your Bishop. And Patriarchs are very kind people, they have a very powerful spirit with them.
  10. Yes, meet with your bishop and then call the patriarch sooner...not on the last day before it expires, definetly don't do that.
  11. Yes, come down to us @Shining Silhouette Now let's see if he can resist the peer pressure of three boys. :eyes:
  12. True, though that means I would have to go to sleep now. Because if I'm concerned about your wellbeing then I must be concerned about my own.
  13. Rockin', rockin', and rollin' Down to the beach, I'm strollin' But the seagulls poke at my head, not fun! I said, "Seagulls, mm! Stop it now!"
  14. The seagull has no more interest in taking anything and instead starts singing. STOP IT NOW, OH AH OH OH AH OH AH OH OH AH. STOP IT NOW.
  15. *Becomes a seagull* MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE!*" *None of those mines were coppied and pasted all hand typed, have to do it old school sometimes.
  17. That is because we care about you and can see what you can not. ... A message directly from God is NOT going to tell you that you are worthless. That I can testify to you.
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