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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Cellist, we all have noticed. It will NOT. That I can promise you. You are of greater worth than you can concieve, even if you never believe this or our words. You are worthy.
  2. Sir we are going to surround you with friends this weekend and you are going to learn that your are not stupid nor useless. Who had the idea to mess a bit with Dominion? You did. You have ideas, you are a person and your are not worthless or stupid.
  3. They are incredible and words fail to describe them. I'm glad that you were able to get your patriarical blessing! I know that my path shifted from what it was when I got mine. Since I've started to allow God to guide me more, I know that my path has changed more than I thought. I am on a completely different path than I thought I would be taking.
  4. o.O I've got no dragon souls. Do you think I am capable of harming such a creature? I have some setter cities and towns that got on my island so I drowned them. Do you want them?
  5. Anybody looking for a few souls? I think they were drowned.
  6. I'm the same around girls, I just have a hard time talking to them unless I know them. I'm not scared I just have a hard time talking to them.
  7. I don't really find girls scary because they're girls. I can find people scary because of other reasons, but not really because they're male or female.
  8. I suppose I've taken quite a few captive through drowning in Spirit Island. Biking is a great way to get some as well.
  9. Wizard watches and notes the anger that was unleashed. He had done nothing to the dummies, only Platypus's own mind could have provided them. He had been in this realm a long time and knew how to guard his mind when training. Unless he was training otherwise, Platypus would know no trick. Nor would Wizard ever teach him one. "You did indeed hit them hard." And that is all that Wizard says, instead staring into Platypus's eyes. Searching if he should teach him the next two techniques. The mental turmoil was hidden, carefully kept behind a screen. @Being of Cacophony Sylva's Mind "Well yes. This is me and this isn't me. I am just a memory of the one you knew as Anne." "Oh." Another friend disappears in an instant and It returns. The pain, the grief, her demons come back and she is alone. "No, you're not alone. Even though I won't live again, I am here." Anne wraps her arms around Emma in a friendly hug. The peace of the forest settling into Emma, helping push the demons away for a little longer. "I can't stay much longer, but you should know that something has been infe-LEAVE THE MIND WHILE YOU CAN, DAUGHTER OF DARKNESS. LEAVE." The prescence retreats and Emma wakes up, finding that she was huging herself. @Aes Sedai @UnfortunatelyNamed @InfiniteInsanity
  10. It's fun and the same as Mafia, but through text instead of face to face. Though I can understand if you don't want to. It is quite intimidating at first. Would you try it once if I was running it? Try it try it. Sam I am?
  11. Sanderson Elimination, a subforum in the roleplaying. It's dedicated to forum mafia, basically streamlined mafia for online play. It is very fun. And each game has different rules, though some can use the same rules. I'd recommend checking it out. Though there won't be any new games running for a while since the Anniversary game is still running. In a couple weeks there might be a new one coming up. Each game is themed a different sanderson game, some aren't but those are rare. There're all really fun and if you want to try, I would recommend when the next game goes up.
  12. What do you think about Mafia? The game not the group. Do you have a lighter work load after break?
  13. YES!!! It is a really fun board game, and a different land, an Island called Spirit Island You are a Spirit and you are working together with your other Spirits to remove the invaders from the land.
  14. A very short and simple description is REVERSE settlers of catan.
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