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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. It's a fictional, theoretical fifth cardinal direction.
  2. What do you think about the Zorth axis?
  3. Have you ever heard of the board game spirit island?
  4. The burning of her ribs lessened but her morose mood didn't. Mercury for the first time felt, weak. That she never would be able to protect others. The old fears came rushing back, keeping her in her dour mood. Just as she was feeling she would never get out of it, she hear some noise coming from ahead. It peaked her interest, just a little bit.
  5. I have had an idea, mostly I was bored and some of my biking adventures came back to me. Mostly the beauty of the paths through the woods and even though they are close to some roads and the railroad. There is little sound that can be heard while deep in the path. Title: The Forest Path
  6. Pythor's tounge flicked in and out, once, twice, thrice. And then he struck, his tail wrapping around the creature. Constricting and binding it in place. Jaw unhinging, eyes glittering venomously, Pythor lunges downward, reaching to swallow the something. @Shining Silhouette
  7. Welcome to the shard! There's also the community subforums where people do things like roleplay and forum mafia.
  8. "Sso, sshall we sslither in? Tissss a good place to look for knoeledgessss." Pythor raises his scaled claw and raps on the door. Tearing a little into the paper thin doorframe.
  9. Welcome to the shard! You have a very cool profile picture!
  10. "We can alwayss sstart there. And yess I do know about the whole sseeing-the-universse-and-having-your-mind-opened and all that jasz." Quickly slithering after Scales, Pythor scanned the streets, his tail curling around any stray mice or rats for a snack. Swallowing the last rat whole, Pythor grew a bit, gaining some extra mass. "Ahhh, that'ss better. I think it'ss the one with the sscroll at the top. A rather common ssign of a library or knowledge."
  11. Shaking his head, Pythor comes out of the stupor of thought. "Well, now iss the time to truly disscover the truth of thiss mysstery! And now we musst leave the Inn to find the way to thiss cave. At leasst that'ss what I think. Perhapss we need to ra-look through the library for mapss that detail where ssuch a treassure is hidden." @Shining Silhouette @CalanoCorvus
  12. "Yes, people do. But those that take more than they need. They are the people that disgust me." Annimus's eyes narrow, the thin pupils reflecting the sunlight. "So, you would have taken more."
  13. Welcome to the shard! And all fear the mighty breadnaught! Who is your favorite character(s)?
  14. It was also Friday the thirteenth, A monday, and Christmas all at the same time.
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