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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The realm of the Tiger "The time draws near. Now to teach you Fire stance." The weapon of the tigers shifts into a two handed claymore. And a legion of solid metal dummies surrounds Wizard and Platypus. Wizard pauses and holds his weapon pointed at the nearest dummies heart. Both freeze, breath hanging in the air. The dummies surge at Wizard as he blazes into motion. The sword swings in brutal heavy arcs, each swing slicing through solid metal. The heat of a furnace burns around Wizard, melting the dummies as soon as they try to get close. Each swing of the sword finishing the slag dummies off. The heat of the fire peaks, reaching the blazing furry of a dragon. All around, the dummies collapse, melting into puddles of liquid metal. The heat too great for them to keep their form. "Fire stance is all about heavy hitting. The harder you hit, the bigger you blaze. Keep up the aggression and you will blaze to new heights." @Being of Cacophony
  2. Yes, I got a you did it wrong calendar TPBM likes board games.
  3. Pythor froze as a bunch of people popped into the hallway. "I was just exploring this hallway trying to find my room." Being a ssnake is usefull, no visible cluess about lying.
  4. Curiously Pythor watched the proceedings of this strange group. It seemed to revolve around a little boy. He lookss rather like that one I tricked yearss ago. Or did I? I can't quite sseem to remember. Thiss meritss more watching.
  5. Hmmm I have a good idea for Day five but can't quite start it now Had more time than I thought
  6. Pythor fell out of a trapdoor in the ceiling, slamming into the ground with an audible, "Whoof." Slowly shaking his long snake like neck, Pythor groaned, a serpentine his escaping his forked tongue. "Sorry about that chumss, I was exploring when the floor opened up underneath my feet and I fell back down into here." Looking around Pythor's mouth twisted into a slight grin. "Well what's with everyone being in here? I though most would have moved on by now."
  7. MMmmm, tasty scadrian waffles. Are they smooth or crunch? Do they have something similar to peanut butter?
  8. Sylva's Mind I wonder what would happen if I just- Something clicked and the cavern of minds swung around, rotating the branches of the tree carefully. Until Emma heard a familiar voice. "Hello there Emma." "Anne?!"
  9. "Why thank you, my good man!" Pythor slithers off, heading towards the roof and possibly his room. Or looking for sun, it would help him grow a bit, something that he had a feeling he would need.
  10. Pythor slithers over to Fadran having lost his legs in favor of a bipedal snake-like body. "Hmm, well yes. I'd like the key to my room. I seem to have forgotten to grab it."
  11. Pythor shifted as he walked, slowly transitioning to two feet, his long tail balancing him upright. His mass never changes but Pythor becomes a hybrid bipedal and quadrupedal lizard.
  12. "Glad to be here." Pythor slithers away, seeking to tease some of the secrets from the inn. Or find his room. He'd do one of the two, or even perhaps both.
  13. Mercury fell towards the ground, slamming too hard for even her roll to absorb all the impact and she gasps. Pain fracturing up her chest, immobilizing her for a few seconds and then she gasps again as the pain returns in ever diminishing returns. Slowly she rolls onto her back and the pain releases its' claws. That...that was a stupid move, worked, but stupid. At least Kaeni might be alive, maybe. @PyroPhile @Szeth_Pancakes @Tani
  14. "...Basically yes, but all of us started as some sort of reptile. By replacing them, they become a spirit to become like us and in return we get their physical body and a chance to interact with the world." "Pythor is my name."
  15. "Well er, I am a komodo dragon, or I used to be. By displacing the souls of other komodo dragons I uh. Ummm...I give them sapience, though they are spirits like me." Shifting his eyes around, the reptilian lowers his voice. "I'd appreciate it if you told no one of this, it's not something we like to talk about much. It's part of our natural progression, but it is strange to outsiders. I've never met one yet, who likes the idea of it. Most seem to think that we will do the same to them. You fleshy folk are strange."
  16. Heh, I still need to get to mine , though I'll probably work on something else first. Here's the prompt for tomorrow, it's a bit longer and is different than Bookwyrm's prompts Prompt for Day 4: Write a scene or story from the perspective of a spirit speaker, who is from an indigenous tribe on a forgotten island. Currently the island is being slowly overrun by invaders from afar off place who seek to settle your island. You must seek a spirit and ask for it's help in removing the invaders from the island. Be warry in which spirit you approach, not all are willing to help and not all will help fast enough for your troubles.
  17. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Emma sat near the group staring at Sylva. She looks so much like Anne, exactly the same, but a different name. Perhaps. Emma probed out at Sylva's mind and she felt a tangled bunch of conciousnesses. What in the...It's a mass of conciousnesses in one mind, life after life. Subconciously Emma spun them around at bit, absently searching. Trying to see if what her friend said was true.
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