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The Wandering Wizard

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Posts posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. 2 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:
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    The grief is just going

    in circles

    and can't seem to escape my head

    Trailing closely behind it

    is the guilt that come with

    not being dead

    Soon it will fall 

    asleep again

    And I'll think 

    I've seen it through

    But after brief relief

    It'll creep back into my life


    *hugs tightly*

  2. 10 hours ago, Edema Rue said:



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    Siylna greeted Liz with a smile. A genuine smile. A smile that meant more than Liz could know. “Old friend,” she said, spreading her arms. Liz accepted the offer, leaning in for a tight hug. 

    “You’ve changed,” Liz whispered into Siylna’s ear.

    “I’ve missed you,” she replied with a laugh and a shake of her head. “I’m not the only one who’s changed, though…” she looked into her friend’s eyes, seeking answers. Liz nodded. 

    “Come inside,” she invited. “We’ll talk there.”

    So Siylna followed her, through the beautiful palace that her friend now called home. She frowned, irritated. But she held her tongue. Liz had changed, but surely not so much as to have forgotten…there were bloodstains on a thick rug. Tiny drops of blood, splattered on the wall and floor. Liz followed her gaze.

    “A slave misbehaved, most likely. I’ll need to replace the carpet.” Then she turned and kept walking. After a moment, Siylna followed hesitantly, her frown deepening. This opulence, this callousness. It was completely unlike the friend she’d once had. They arrived at a small sitting room, with a set of couches and a small wooden table covered in a strange pattern. Liz shut the door behind them. There was a moment of silence, and then Liz said, “I’m sorry.”

    Siylna blinked. “What?”

    “I’m sorry,” she repeated. “I have become everything we used to hate. And I don’t regret it.”

    How curious…Siylna nodded. “You keep slaves,” she said quietly, knowing that her anger was plain as day to Liz. She always had been good at reading people.

    “Yes,” Liz said quietly.

    Siylna shook her head, unsure if she was disappointed or proud. Liz had said she’d make herself a villain, and…she had. Spirits, but she had. “How far you’ve come,” she murmured. “But…surely this isn’t all for Ien? Are you still so infatuated with him that he’s become all that you are?”

    Liz laughed. “Ien is only a piece of my plans, my friend. An important one, to be sure, but by no means is he the reason for all that I do.”

    Siylna felt herself smile. This was the girl she knew, so full of dreams, so clever and nearly always right. But… “Why hurt so many people?” She asked. Liz had gone far to try to win this bet. And she’d done the same, but…had Liz gone too far? Had she forgotten herself in this game?

    Liz leaned forward, picking up a small velvet bag from the table between them. She reached in, pulling out a polished black stone. Siylna raised an eyebrow, suddenly recognizing the pattern on the table. It was a game board. Liz carefully placed the stone. “Do you remember when we talked about changing the world?”

    “Which time?”

    “Just before I left.” 

    Siylna nodded. “And now you’ve gone and changed it in all the wrong ways. You’re a tyrant, Liz.”

    To her surprise, Liz nodded. “I am. And I’m going to get worse.” She placed another stone.

    “Why?” Siylna asked again. 

    Liz smiled, setting down three of the stones in quick succession. “You know that I’ve always enjoyed betting…by the Spirits, I know that you do too. Where we are today is proof enough of that.”

    Siylna shook her head. “Lizzy, I don’t care that you’ve become a politician since we last talked. Just say it.”

    “No one’s called me Lizzy in a long time…” Liz murmured, a twinkle in her eye.


    She laughed, and Siylna laughed with her, and for just a moment it felt easy. Simple. The way it had back at the Academy. The way it hadn’t felt since Liz left. Then, still smiling, Liz stacked several more stones. “It’s a gamble, Si.”

    Siylna’s smile twisted slyly, and she laughed again. “Oh, Lizzy…you haven’t changed at all.”

    Then Liz's smile dropped and she looked at her, really looked at her. Her gaze was cool and heartless. For the first time, Siylna noticed a pale scar that twisted up her cheek. A fuzz of black smoke began to coil around her feet. “Haven’t I?”

    Ignoring the chill in her stomach, Siylna bowed her head. “I stand corrected. Which god do you serve?”

    The smoke began to recede. Liz looked at her for a long moment, then added a stone to her growing pattern and said, “Death.”

    “That’s impossible,” Siylna blurted before she could stop herself. She flushed slightly. “Well…improbable. Nothing is impossible when you’re around.”

    Liz nodded. “Who’s yours?”

    Siylna blinked. “How did you-?” Liz rolled a stone through her fingers, raising an eyebrow. Siylna sighed. “Love.” Liz blinked, looking surprised for the first time. She put the stone on a far corner of the table. 

    “I would have thought you’d choose Vengeance…” Siylna grimaced, and Liz raised an eyebrow curiously.

    “I…did,” she explained. “But Vengeance didn’t choose me. Love did, claiming that the desire for revenge is a form of love.” There was quiet for a moment, and then Siylna cleared her throat. “So…a gamble?”

    “Yes,” Liz said. “And I’m betting on Ien. I’m betting on my hero.”

    “And what if he doesn’t become one?” Siylna looked at her friend, trying to decide if she was insane or very, very clever.

    Liz smiled gently. “Si, he already is. We’ve all changed since the Academy, but he most of all. And for all that we wanted to change the world, we both know that he can help them much more than either of us ever could. He’s been taught to lead since he was a child. All I’ve done is help him along a path of mercy rather than cruelty. Ien is a hero. And the harder I push now, the harder he’ll have to push back. The people are suffering now, yes, but when Ien is king, it will be even better for them than it was back when we were at the Academy.”

    Siylna nodded. It was twisted logic, monstrous logic, but…she’d always had a bit of a monster inside her, even if it was buried a little deeper than Liz’s. “So…what happens to you when Ien becomes king? If he kills you, you lose.”

    Liz snorted. “You think I’ll let him kill me? He’ll only “escape” my dungeons because of my assistance. Killing me isn't part of my plan, and so he won't do it.” She picked up a single white stone, and slid it across the board, towards her carefully arranged black stones. Siylna knew the rules of the game, and had to stifle a gasp when she realized what Liz had done. Her stones were placed perfectly, precisely…so that the white stone could eliminate them all in a single move. “I am a step ahead, Si. Ien is just a puppet who will change the world…and win this bet for me.”

    Siylna took a breath and laughed. “Lizzy, Lizzy, Lizzy…just don’t burn down this world too soon. I’m not done with it yet.”

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    ...Anyone have other Liz scenes you want to see, or prompts that aren't related to her?


    *giggles uncontrollablly*

    Also do the scene where they make their bet!! :3

  3. 19 hours ago, Lunamor said:

    I had to stop taking my pain medication because it was causing serious side effects, and it's been a rough couple of days. I'd been on it for two years and honestly forgotten what it was like to be hurting this much. I'm also pretty freaked out because the doctor seemed really concerned about the side effects and I have no idea how much damage has been done.

    *hugs hugs hugs* 

  4. Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

    Haly skidded to a stop. Somehow the sight of Emma--- a remnant of days long past--- gave her back control of her brain. "Emma. Emma, where's TAAron?!? Is he here?!?" 

    She nodded, "I-i think so? I haven't kept as close an eye on events in the clinic now that I've been taking care of the twins with Calano."

  5. 4 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

    Haly leaned on the railing and watched the waves, trying to push his image out of her mind. It was one of those days. They didn't come often anymore, but when they did, they left Haly feeling melancholy and incomplete. She knew she was being stupid. She knew she wouldn't ever see him again, and it had been so long, it probably wouldn't matter if she did. But... she couldn't stop it from coming. 

    Breathing in the tangy metal smell of the ocean, she turned away from the ship's railing. The rest of the crew lounged around on deck or climbed like spiders in the sails. Mitis watched from up by the helm, though she didn't touch it. Mitis had turned out to be an extremely competent captain. Downright scary, sometimes. 

    Mitis saw Haly watching her and waved her up with a grin. 

    "Beautiful day, isn't it?" She said once Haly had climbed the stairs. 

    "Yeah. It's nice and sunny." 

    "But Sol isn't here. I haven't seen her for a few hours now, and her soul signature isn't anywhere on this ship." 

    Haly frowned. "That's... strange. Is she alive, at least?"

    Mitis laughed. "Oh, she's alive. But she 's somewhere else. It's foggy, which means it's not in this realm at all. I'd have to follow it to find out. I'll leave Emilie in charge, and I was wondering whether you and Rylla would come with me." 

    "Sure." Anything for a change of scenery. Maybe an adventure would snap her out of it. Maybe switching worlds... She'd done that before. With TAAron. She shook the thought out of her head and went to find Rylla. 

    Ten minutes later, this has already gone too long so I'm done describing it. Anyway, they go *poof* and they're outside the clinic now.

    Haly's brain slowed substantially as she looked up at the building. That building... that building... 


    Her mind shut off altogether, leaving her with that thought. She tore through the doors before Mitis and Rylla could stop her and dashed through the halls, screaming his name at the top of her lungs. 


    Emma appeared infront of her with a smile on her face. "Haly!" She squealed excitedly.

  6. 4 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:


    Y... uhhhh... yeee.... should I be scared

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    Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:



    *pretend anger*

    *backs up*


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