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The Wandering Wizard

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Posts posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. 3 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

    He nodded, though of course she couldn't see. Then he just stood there, not saying anything, but not leaving either.

    A tall woman with waist long dark hair and deep violet eyes came running up. Her dress was black and purple and something felt wrong about her, she smiled at him, canines glinting, unnaturally sharper and larger.

    "Sorry," she panted, "she does this with everyone. Let me get her out of there for you."

    She reached forward to put the palm of her hand on the door.

  2. 1 minute ago, Ookla the Believer said:

    A fool? Is that what she thinks I am? Good. It'll be easier that way. "May I come in?" He asked, neither polite nor impolite. It was a question, not something to obsess over.

    "No, you're male, I just met you, and I am not giving up my last place of safety and solitude!"

    Her voice grew more bitter and angry with each word, "just leave, just leave."

  3. 38 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

    He followed her, and knocked politely on the door. It was always better to knock, after all. Politeness wasn’t something to be discounted, even in an arranged marriage.

    After a while her voice drifted through the door, "at least you're not too much of a fool and you're polite."

  4. 26 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

    A young man was looking for…um…the girl he was supposed to be marrying?

    @Ookla the Raveness

    A beautiful young woman with glimmering golden hair came up to him and giggled, "so you're the latest fool? Well she hasn't been found all day."

    Turning she left him and headed to her room, slumping against the door.

    "Well that was fast," she muttered and flung a dagger into the woodwork.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

    Note: This isn't aimed towards anyone on the shard. You're all wonderful, and loving, and so very incredible. Don't ever forget that. This was just written because, believe it or not, there is a world outside of the shard, and I spend time there. Sometimes. Usually at the library.

    Anyway...yeah. I wrote this.

      Hide contents

    I don’t need to be loved to love.

    I don’t.

    I swear I don’t.

    I can love when I hurt.

    I can love when I’m lonely.

    I can love when there is no sign of a friendly word in response.

    I can.

    I can care when the world is indifferent.

    I can.

    I can be there for you when you aren’t here for me.

    I can.

    I can.

    I can.

    I can love you.


    It would just be nice

    If you could love me too.


    Or maybe if I knew

    How to show you

    I’m worth loving.

    If I could show you

    How much it hurts to be alone.


    No, no. 

    That’s not it.

    Not it at all.

    I don’t want to hurt you.

    I just don’t want to hurt any longer.

    And I think

    That if you understood, 

    You would help.

    Because you are good.

    And you are kind.

    And you do care

    Just not for me.


    And if you knew just a little bit better,

    Then surely 

    You’d let me in.


    Or maybe not.


    I can never be on the inside.

    Not because of you,

    Or me,

    Or a choice any mortal has made.

    But because 


    Am not perfect.

    And neither

    Are you.


    Because maybe

    God has called me to care

    And maybe

    I cannot love

    Unless my heart has cracked

    Like ice

    In the cold that lingers

    When I am left outside.


    And maybe


    The pain dulls

    To a steady ache,

    I can remember,

    The joy

    That comes

    From caring.

    The gladness

    There is

    In loving.


    And the promise

    That every kind word

    I say

    Is not always



    And maybe


    These moments will build

    To minutes

    To a millennium

    Of loving

    And of being loved.



    I do hope and believe it will build to something beautiful ❤️

    We love you sis ❤️

  6. 6 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

    Aster sat down next to her, enjoying the peace of the campus.

    "I think I could stay here forever," yawned Lilyana, closing her eyes, and curling up next to Aster.

  7. 1 minute ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

    "I think they already do. Don't worry! It'll be okay."

    Lilyana took a deep breath in, "o-okay."

    Still panting slightly she rolled off of Aster and just lay down next to her, letting herself be calmed by her presence. 

  8. 29 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

    Cinder walked into the town. 

    There was so much to notice.

    Why was the inn still smoking, yet covered partially with ice? Why was there a fire portal in the inn? 

    She turned to some random stranger to get some answers.


    Aster laughed. "I didn't expect that to happen either. Are you alright?"

    Lilyana blushed, "uhm yeah I'm okay just close to you but that's more than okay." 

    She blushed again, her whole face turning a vivid pink.

  9. Just now, Ookla the Believer said:

    "Wrong, and wrong. You aren't saving anybody's souls with your..." Tal took a breath, calming himself. "Right."

    "Please tell me you aren't here to convert to their religion."

    @Ookla the Raveness

    "Magic, all right? There's a lot of it here, all sorts of different kinds."


    I mean...

    They could as it’s happened to people like Vin before but they certainly, especially Emma, wouldn't encourage it


  10. 6 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    My issue is I've picked up a healthier respect for his E!range after he kind of did kayana crem in LG93. That being said, I'm actually willing to sheep you on Wiz for the short-term, on the belief he can be sorted later.

    I think I'm unfortunately shifting to Araris between the two I guess. 

    I don't know if this is the right call honestly. It feels like the sort of decision that's balanced on a knife's edge. If this is E!you...man, you're one scary bro, and it's happening now rather than at endgame.

    The forcefulness of Araris's reply to Archer is the one thing that keeps sticking in my head I guess. And I feel it makes more sense with E!Araris than V.

    Edited to add:

    At this point? Probably gun. At the time Cash voted Wiz? Can't remember the numbers.

    4 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

    I don’t think I played LG93 so possibly I’m underestimating his crazy versus you overestimating his crazy, but fair enough. I could see an SK!Wiz world tbh.

    If only I was so lucky... :P

    Kas is right about LG93 and I do tend to mess more at EoD especially with ties as evil, especially to implicate someone else, like Silho in MR63(?) I think it was

    6 minutes ago, Winnie the Pookla said:

    Nobody needs to feel guilty about exeing me btw, I'm chilling with my family right now (which is also part of why my contributions are lower). Not gonna respond to anything else this cycle, I've got some things to take care of. See y'all either on the other side or in a doc :).

    Have a great time with your family!!

    1 minute ago, Amanuensis said:

    I should update this tonight in case the elims or the SK aim for my throat

    Yo Wiz think you got time for one too

    Uh I think so

  11. 4 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    [conversationally] I really hate nuttiness.

    I really, really, really despise nuttiness, even as I understand why it matters 👀

    The problem with belonging to SE Gamma's lineage is that there is a howling seed of paranoia festering in my mind which always needs to be tamped down and surpressed, rather than fed. Occasionally, I don't do a good job and then I C1 exe Aman, or decide to vote V!Archer at lylo with Mat screaming at me to secure the correct train against a hammer 👀 

    In other words, I suppose I'd say the reason I take paranoia personally is it's the one nuclear button in me I absolutely don't want players to push because I'm always battling it to actually be a halfway effective Villager rather than to go Gamma on everyone. It utterly destroyed House Urbain.

    Hi D1 EoD Wiz. This is probably why I'm so irrationally mad about this.

    Yeah I do have a habit of going a tab bit crazy around EoD...

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