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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The beast stung Kaeni, and Mercury felt the pain above her sternum. Internally she howled while still prowling around the beast trying to reach the dagger. She could no longer see Kaeni, really her only friend in the reaper corps so far. It was time for some crazy tactics. Shoving both her swords downward into the ground, she discharged a blast of lightning sending herself soaring into the air. Everything froze in an instant as her swords sought the dagger, a second thundering discharge released downward, seeking the gleaming bronze.
  2. A young Komodo dragonish looking creature crawled onto the sidewalk around the Inn. It felt a pull a pull of sapience and it wandered into the doorway. The reptilian felt a prescence in the room and it shivered in anticipation. Well there you are, I've been waiting for a body. And you for sapience. The reptilian froze as something clicked inside and it's tongue began to wag in it's mouth. "Finally I have a body again."
  3. I can take the prompt for the 3rd. Might take me a bit before I have time to write and catch up.
  4. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway "Yes I do have one question for you, why are you here?" @InfiniteInsanity @UnfortunatelyNamed @Aes Sedai
  5. Reminds me of a spirit from a favorite game of mine. Fun/10
  6. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway "Yes, the forest is behind the mountains, if you were closer you would be able to see the tops of the trees." Sylva ignores Rue's rapid fire questions instead engaging Insa. "Thank you, my tree choose it." Rue's third question reaches Sylva and she leans back hard against her tree for support. "These...these are all once bonded trees." @InfiniteInsanity @UnfortunatelyNamed @Aes Sedai
  7. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway A smiles graces Sylva's lips. "I live here, this is my home. My people live in the forest over there." Sylva points towards the forest to the west. Where there is no visible forest, just mountains. @UnfortunatelyNamed
  8. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway "My people, your word of dryad will work well enough. It is similar to the word in our own language, a word you would find hard to produce." Sylva stares at the one called Nameless, what a strange name that was. How could one be called Nameless and not have a name? But she kept her questions inside as he started glaring at Rue the same time she glared at him. How strange and how synchronized it was. She could even see the beginnings of a scowl on one of their faces, yet they seemed to reflect each other. Something she had only seen in the other gheareants who had truly began to meld with their trees. The most enviable state that a gheareant could attain. Shaking her head she turned her head towards the worrying one, glad to see something other than the smoldering anger between the two strangest strangers. "No my tree takes care of all my needs. I am fine now that I have my tree." She turned to the one who bled darkness into the world, it wasn't just that. It was that she seemed to be carrying a great burden. A burden that seemed to increase in weight when she stared at Sylva. Sylva wasn't going to be one to let that bother her instead turning back to the other three preparing to answer their questions that they would have. Anything to not have to face that hollow gaze, those pain racked eyes, the tortured soul, one who had stared into the depths of the darkness and lost a part of themselves staring back at it. She shivered, her people called such people, yerrgons, those who were already dead. @InfiniteInsanity @Aes Sedai @UnfortunatelyNamed Emma stared at the strange girl, who seemed to be growing up at a rapid rate. Far faster than anything natural she had seen before, but not the unnatural speed of growth sped up by magic. Perhaps it was a magically enhanced growth, but Emma wasn't quite sure. That however wasn't what was bothering her. The girl looked like her friend that she had last seen before the scourage. The last time she'd visited her hometown she had seen the grave of Annabell herself.
  9. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway The girl changes a bit, seeming to grow older and she smiles at Nameless. "I was dying and turning into a tree. That is why I turned green. My people have to bond a tree before the end of their first season or they will die. And then they can never leave their tree or they die." @InfiniteInsanity @UnfortunatelyNamed @Aes Sedai Emma wanders over, having seen the tree move and the girl fall from the tree. "What is going on?"
  10. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway The girl cocks her head while the tree creaks and she tries to say something in a foreign tongue. A tree branch reaches down and lightly whacks her. "That term is not what we call ourselves." The tree whacks the girl harder this time and she snaps off a creaking reply that crackles with anger at the tree. "I am called Sylva and this is the tree that I am bonded to." @InfiniteInsanity @UnfortunatelyNamed @Aes Sedai
  11. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway The girl looks up fear in her eyes, her skin beginning to turn a translucent green. "Tree...I...need...tree." @UnfortunatelyNamed @Aes Sedai @InfiniteInsanity
  12. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway A tree appears behind Insa and Rue. The tree rustles and then freezes, holding its' breath. "CREEEEEAAAAAAKKKK!" "OWWW!" A young girl tumbles out of the tree, sheepishly looking up at Insa and Rue. @InfiniteInsanity @Aes Sedai
  13. Christmas movie would be Miracle on 34th street. Actual movie? Well star wars is always good
  14. The christmas tree fell down! BUT.....................................................................................
  15. And so that was the story how Eof became Santa Claus and Foe became Krampus. HOWEVER.........................................
  16. Then were the divisive words spread. "Pineapple on Pizza!"
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