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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Have a great day!

  2. What if you made it so Winzik choose his own inner circle? And people can be switched out of the inner circle but instead the goal is for the elims to kill Winzik and maybe his secretary as well, but with agreement between the secretary and Winzik people can be kicked out of the inner circle?
  3. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway A primal growl rises in Emma's throat as she fiercely whispers, "No! You will not use compulsion or balefire her. You will do it honestly without any guile or tricks. Otherwise it won't work." @UnfortunatelyNamed The realm of the Tiger Wizard watches as Platypus moves through the stances and learns the same lesson he had learned. Water stance is best for light weapons only. As Platypus speeds up he seems to stop moving through molasses and instead at a normal speed and Wizard grins. "Good you," Wizard is cut off by the water splashing down onto him. Ruffled, he shakes himself and the water disappears. "Good you are learning quite quickly. And yes these stances can make it feel like you a first waking up. Just wait til you make your own stances that are the best fit for you. As you probably felt slightly off since that was the modified water stance that I use. But wait to experiment with your own water stance. Time is running out and I still have three stances left to teach you." @Being of Cacophony
  4. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Emma looks up, sensing Nameless arriving through the wyrmhole. This is going to be trouble. But she can't make herself care about it. That is until she senses Nameless become bonded and Rue being dropped into the Aryth ocean. I have an idea that might work. I could immitate the mistress of novices but that would be too easy. I have a better idea. As Nameless comes over and sits down near her, Emma softly whispers, "bonded against your will? A similar thing happened to my twin Wizard the last time we visited your world. I can break the bond but it will require agreement from you and Rue. But I can't aquire that permission, you must aquire it." @UnfortunatelyNamed
  5. Primal blood some called it, Mercury just called it her blood. Her blood which allowed her to tap into the most primal part of herself, lightning. Calling forth the power within herself, it simmers under her skin. The pounding of her heart becomes the booming of thunder. Her eyes fill to the brim with sparks and so much power! Mercury dashes out from behind the cover, her speed ten times greater than before. Quickly she runs around the beast, seeking to lure it a bit away, while seeking higher ground to smite the monster safely. @Channelknight Fadran
  6. Ah, so I suppose you want the game in sports commentator now. Since I lost every single bet I was a part of...again GG elims, I only suspected TUN because of dead doc info, otherwise I probably wouldn't have. My strategy going into that game was to draw a kill and it worked! It also came at a good time because this sickness has been draining my energy so I wouldn't have been able to help with much more than my vote. Ed1t: It was very much a fun game and thank you @Szeth_Pancakes for running it and @Araris Valerian for IMing it!
  7. The realm of the Tiger "The quarterstaff is my weapon of choice for this form, though any weapon that helps you keep on flowing through the movements is good." Wizard appraises Platypus as he moves through the movements. "Good, you did very good for your first time doing it!" @Being of Cacophony
  8. The realm of the Tiger "First we start with the water stance. Liquid, flowing, always moving. Connecting one strike into another strike, always keeping them fluid." Wizard's sword changes into a quarterstaff, and as he moves, he seems to dance. Constantly moving the staff, always responding to the lightest stimulus. He fights with the very air, fighting against the friction, moving, always moving. Until it clicks and he moves even faster, a aura of vapor seems to surround him as he moves. Never stopping, never quiting, a constant stream of pressure. And then he stops. "That Kata is known as the way of the water. It is the easiest way I have found to teach water form."
  9. "I've got no healing magic, though I can distract it." Quickly peeking out, Mercury sees the dagger stuck in and she grins. Which quickly turns to a yelp as she dodges back undercover. "I can channel my lightning into speed for a bit but I'll have to drop it to take the shot."
  10. Annimus is having a conversation with Quendi and Anikel while they are almost at what ever town they are riding to.
  11. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway "Because that is my curse." Emma turns her back, not wanting to talk about it anymore, but not wanting to say so either. @InfiniteInsanity @Aes Sedai
  12. "How in Gaea's name would I know?" retorted Annimus. "I don't even quite know how I did it. I just felt a pulling from the horse and then something clicked and the pulling sensation was gone!" @xinoehp512
  13. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Emma's hand falls back to her side, still crackling with lightning. "Sorry, but also not. I needed to release the power the emotions were generating. All the lightning did was arc into the sky." Emma stalks away, choosing to sit in the middle of the group of sleeping people, lightning still sparking across her palms. @InfiniteInsanity @Aes Sedai
  14. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway "No, I'm not," growls Emma. Standing up, her palm outstretched to the sky, jagged bolts of black lightning race upwards, rending the sky. Still seething Emma roars, "PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW BY NOW. NOT TO DO SUCH THINGS, YET THEY HAPPEN AND PAIN IS CAUSED! AND THE WEAKEST BEAR THE HEAVIEST BURDEN OF ALL!" @InfiniteInsanity @Aes Sedai
  15. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Emma refrains from raising one of her eyebrows in question. Instead walking over and sitting down next to Insa, just being there for her if she needs a friend. Down by her side Emma's hands quiver with rage. The thought of someone doing that made her want to torture them, to cut of their hands and snap their bones, one by one. And to use her power to.... STOP! Screams Emma in her own mind. STOP! STOP! STOP! Don't go down those dark roads, don't open those channels again. Don't open the place of no return. DON'T! @InfiniteInsanity
  16. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway "Yes, it is where my memories delight in tormenting me." "Yes...it's how the holes in my memory fills itself. It is how I knew that I was the one who had killed Layra, Calano's sister." "Slow, slow down kid. I can teach you the basic stances. Any other stances from there you have to invent for yourself. I have made my own stances over the years and I have hundreds that I can use."
  17. That sucks! I really hope that you can get feeling better soon, because it is a very special moment when you see your siblings get baptized and you are going to miss it and it hurts when you have to miss moments like that. *Hugs*
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