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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. I am very tired and my brain isn't producing much coherent thought. I think I am fine with my vote on Silver, my brain is too tired to rethink anything right now. Good night.
  2. The realm of the TIger Wizard ignores the first part of what Platypus said instead focusing on the later end of his conversation. "I can teach you stances that will improve your fighting since you already know how to fight. I sense that you have power inside of you, you just need to learn how to utilize it better." And I'll let him learn how to channel his power into the stances on his own.
  3. Annimus bobed his head in affirmation. "Yes, it should just channel some aspects of the tiger into her. Meaning like a furry coat, possibly fangs and a more omnivorish diet. And her tail might shift into a more tiger like tail. Though she will remain a horse...I think." @xinoehp512
  4. Yeah it be strange. But I also possibly want to think of Xino/Nerdy not E/E because of the trains that have developed on them. It could possibly be explained away by them being the first votes on each other. But that could also be E/E if Xino wasn't around to tell Nerdy to remove his vote and I'm confusing myself with these circles. HELP! Leave that alone for now unless Silver flips E, is what I think I have to do for now.
  5. I am and I just lost this post and my energy is starting to crash down. Yes it is, because I feel that there is more credence for E!Aman if Bookwyrm flips E, but I'm not quite sure about E!Bookwyrm anymore. Yeah, you've got my style pinned down pretty well. xD I'll need to change it when RNG gives me the chance to. No, yes, maybe, all the above??? I'm going to grab a nap, get some homework done, and another reread before I commit to voting. Or well I actually might. At least have my highest three E!reads which yes, are kinda sheeping Kas a bit lot. But it's the conclusions that I came to by myself and Kas is supporting them so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Xino, Nerdy, Silver. Xino because the inactivity problem a bit and then he just jumped to voting Kas. Don't really know if this would be advised in doc or he was just skimming and went with the mood. Nerdy, their votes are too opportunistic and strange. They vote Kas because Kas seemed like someone other people would go up against??? Is Nerdy just evil and didn't quite understand the rules? I...I can't quite tell if it's new playerness or evilness Silver...I can't quite remember, I think it had to do with their vote being stable? Or no, wait it was that they were pinged and asked a question but just lurked and didn't post, I think. Silver @InfiniteInsanity @ExoticAlmond @Ookla Carried by the Wind @Ookla the Nerdy Can you each tell us your highest E read (Evil read, who you think is the spy and trying to murder the inner circle) and your highest V read (who you think is the least likely to be evil or a spy.)
  6. "The tiger essence in me was pushed into Heartfire. I don't quite know how I did it, just that that is what happened."
  7. Yes please, fliplessness is no fun to deal with. It adds headache to headache or perhaps it multiplies headache by headache.
  8. I think it's just a bit of natural rabbit behaviour, because something touching them means another rabbit or a predator. Honestly it will take time, perhaps a few years. My cats took quite a bit of time before they got used to and started wanting attention from us. One of our cats will sleep on my bed during the day and will headbutt me when I come home. Demanding attention in a cat way as that's how they show affection. It will just take time, give them time and space to approach you as they want.
  9. With brains that explode out of their ears from all the heat generated from the confusion of course
  10. You don't want to know how much I control F'ed your name and just stared at your posts confused. I am still very confused.
  11. I...I can't quite remember exactly why and it is bugging me. AHAH! I remember it was me thinking that Aman and Bookwyrm are teamed, a post by Aman about Bookwyrm and someone else being chill? I seriously can't remember anything, I'm going a bit crazy and I think it's because I'm getting sick. Literally yesterday I set up a board game downstairs, went upstairs and had such a moment of disconnected reality that I didn't really remember setting it up. I've been feeling better about Aman's more recent posts and I've talked myself into V-reading him for now. Aman. Yes, yes I do. I also try a bit too hard when I have too much free time. Hello there QF63 >> Generally I think a distinction can be made from when I'm trying too hard. If I'm paranoiding my self to the moon and back, I'm likely village. If I'm not paranoiding but trying too hard, I'm evil. If I'm neither I'm some form of villager
  12. Annimus woke from the dream, metal creaking and sweat pouring down his fur. Heartfire whinned and Annimus calmed down a bit. Afterall it was just a dream...A dream that was a memory...the reason he didn't enter towns anymore. Sweat began pouring down his fur again. The soft fur of Hear- THE SOFT FUR??? "How, how do you have fur?" Heartfire shakes her mane in a horsey sort of way. But Annimus could see that she had a coat of fur instead of the normal horse hair. Shaking his head, Annimus looks up and sees the sprawl of buildings on the horizon. "So, we're almost there already?" @Ookla the [Redacted] @Ookla the Forgotten
  13. Sir, this is cruel. I thought you were summoning me because you had finished it. >> I did read this and it is incredible! It was just Sunday yesterday and I was tired and on my phone so I didn't respond.
  14. Mercury holds her swords aloft, lightning crackling through the blades. "Something that can be killed, I'd assume."
  15. Yes, I agree that a good evil person has to make the village strive for victory. For an easy victory is never appreciated. And I mean, who isn't really a village player at heart Well it seems like today is your day
  16. Because I became a possible LHF or because he likes it when people find him? 10/10, I agree but it gets you caught more often than not. Quite honestly I am voting you because of the swinginess that I get when reading you, either high village or high evil. I don't even care that you voted on me last cycle, I would have voted myself last cycle.
  17. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway "I love you too Calano. Be safe my love." Emma catches his body, carefully lowering him to the ground. Emma smiles gratefully at Insa and Rue. "I'm glad that you decided to stay, it's much better to not be alone." The realm of the Tiger The hints of a bemused smile graces Wizard's face. "I just told you that it was so long ago that I can't remember. Anyways what I can teach you, since you already seem to know how to use the sword. Is the forms of power that I have learned, each form focuses on the aspect of an animal and allows you to channel it into your fighting."
  18. Read through one: Aman is village Read through two: Aman is village Read through three: Aman is evil Read through four: Aman is village I am thoroughly confused on Aman, and perhaps it is partially last game and watching from the dead doc. Aman
  19. I am back and feeling much better! Now to go read the five pages that materialized. o.O
  20. Honestly I don't quite remember. I think it was reading about the A:tr conversation and the claims of Winzik and I was confused. So I commented on the FUD going around mostly the confusion part of it. I think that was why.
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