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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. I've been in church and I just got out. I won't be on much later since it is Sunday and I'm just exhausted.
  2. Yes. It's very strange seeing all the village FUD to disguise the inner circle. Very good, but still strange.
  3. Yay! I'm glad that your feeling better, I've been keeping you in my prayers.
  4. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway "Yes it is. You can follow if you know how. Your body will be safe under my protection. Emma sits down next to Calano and responds with the same quiet volume. "No, I'll protect your bodies out here. Since Bookwyrm left his and others are going to follow. Besides, I would probably use too much of my power down there."
  5. I do have kind of pre-conversations with people inside my head. Kind strange and nothing ever goes the way that it happens inside my head.
  6. Usually at least once a day, though sometimes they don't. Very rare that they don't.
  7. The realm of the Tiger A distant looks enters Wizard's eyes. "It has been far too many years for me to count. And far too many friends have died for me to remember the exact date." @Ookla the platypus Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway "Bookwyrm entered the dreamscape in this land. I'll stay out to protect the bodies of those that go in." Emma moves over to a tree and sits in a way that seems to encourage the others to leave, but really she just wants at least one person to stay to talk to. @Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Ta'veren @Ookla the Pencil Taxi @Ookla the Shadowed @InfiniteInsanity @Ookla the Debonair
  8. The droid flipped over a four and the smell of smoke grew. It started to smell as a fire that just picked up speed. The pit droid then flipped over a +/- six, increasing the total to 19. "I'll wait for you boys to try to top that!" The droid leans back in a reclining position, but the smell of smoke lingers over the table.
  9. The musical voice tinkles, "I'll go next if you don't mind." The pit droid moves and shuffles the figment in. A one and a seven, nothing to terrible for her opponents, but she felt her luck was going to be better. Silently she commands the droid to draw from the side deck. [OOC: Side deck cards for accountability] A nine, well that wasn't too terrible, perhaps she could play a card, dared she risk it though? No, not until later. I think I can reasonably wait. "Whoever is next can go, since I believe that we now need four. Is that correct?"
  10. My group started another adventure and it's been hilarious so far. The NPC named Ned thinks the mansion is haunted so he took the snake corpses of the giant snakes that we killed and he dragged them back to the ship, very slowly. So after we entered the mansion and messed around a bit. The changeling went back towards the entrace and shifted into Ned. CUE Ned walking back in, seeing himself in a place he belives is infested by spirits. He fall unconscious and part of the part comes back. The part than CAN NOT understand thief's cant. He tells us in thief's cant that he is on of us. I don't believe him and my monk hits him with her fist for a bit of damage and he eventually convinces us that he is infact the party member that was with us and we learn that he is a changeling. We then proceed to leave Ned unconcious on the floor and go investigate a trapdoor, causing a spectral voice to boom and terrify Ned. And now we never are going to mention to Ned that the other party member is a changeling and he is going to continue to torment Ned. Why? Because were all pirates and it's a hilarious joke.
  11. The realm of the Tiger "Believe it or not a very similar thing happened to Link once. He was a good fellow and so were each of his descendants." @Ookla the platypus
  12. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Emma walks through the portal and goes to stand over by Calano, staring down at the riddle. "Is it what I think it is?"
  13. ^^ This is the current sign-ups for the game that is going to start on saturday. You just say that you're signing up and you can sign up with an RP character which isn't required but it does make it a lot more fun and then the GM can give you a better death if you die
  14. "Onward!" While she walks on, slightly ahead of the group, Mercury thinks on I'ikeq's words and a memory burns in her mind. Her master is speaking to her as she fidgets, wanting to run and explore. "Sit still Mercury, you wish to run off like the bolt of lightning I made your from. Wait. There is one thing that I must explain to you, it is very important. You will always know when you are disconnected from me, you will have a limited ammount of energy to run off of before you die. But there is one way that you will not know,-" Mercury heard no more as she snuck out of the room, completely missing what he was going to tell her.
  15. I have made sticks swords before. TPBM is going to collapse but must keep going on.
  16. Insanity Clinic: Library "No, but I'm going to be needed, so lets go." Emma climbs out of Calano's embrace, trying to fortify her mind against the attacks that she knows are going to come. @Ookla the Crow
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