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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Insanity Clinic: Library Emma clings to Calano, desperately trying to find peace and solace in him and his words. "Why can we never find any peace?" Sighing Emma leans back into Calano, closing her eyes and absorbing his presence, his calming presence. Calano always helped push the darkness away. His light helped calm the darkness inside of her. @Ookla the Crow
  2. A pit droid walking by suddenly stops, the odor of burning smoke envelops it and it walks over to Illvin. The droid's voice is melodic and seems to come from above it's head. "You can deal me in, Illvin wasn't it?"
  3. They're very overpowered. Since you get +2 to dex and +1 to wis, meaning you basically could get +2 to your armor class from the beginning. Sun soul or way of the open hand though. Hmmm. My character is basically a assassin who is trying to see what she can kill. Because were pirates and well. Open hand is easiest for killing everything instantly Though sun soul wouldn't be bad either. I've also though about the way of the shadow as well. I've still got a bit before I reach level three though. So I've got time to sort it out. Edit: And my friend and I had a joke that when my character reaches level twenty that she will ascend and become a angel or goddess of death
  4. Decide to catch up on all that lost sleep When petting a rabbit.
  5. But it didn't matter, everyone(non-personified) believed that he was good. So his crimes were presented to the world and everyone(non-personified) refused to believe what was infront of their eyes.
  6. Welcome to the shard! Who are your favorite characters?
  7. Insanity Clinic: Library "I don't know, for now I guess limit how much of my powers I use. But still use some otherwise I risk too much Kaos energy in my body and thus possession." Emma seems to grow small, "I don't really have a permanent solution. Perhaps Layra might know something." @Ookla the Crow The realm of the Tiger As the sword flashes down towards Wizard, his own blade flashes up, intercepting and blocking Platypus's strike. "Good you know one end of the sword from another." @Ookla the platypus
  8. Insanity Clinic: Library I am also ready, broadcasts Emma. Emma quietly whispers to Calano, "I-i can feel the Kaos. And soon I will be running on a narrow cliff ledge, knives on either side. One slip and I fall to darkness." @Ookla the Crow
  9. Sir, please keep breaking my heart in the best of ways. This is incredible, each is better than the last!
  10. Insanity Clinic: Library "The Kaos pushes harder each day. I have to get rid of more and more each day. And Telrao, that amazing cat, she helps as much as she can. But there is only so much that we can handle." "We're back in the clinic, and we're planning a mission to enter a worldseer Archive." Emma hearing Insa's question responds. "You have the power inside of you, you just need to trust what it tells you to do. Most powers come from a god and that is why you instinctively know what to do. Trust your power and the control that you now have." Emma locks eyes with Insa, "trust what you have learned."
  11. The realm of the Tiger Wizard raises an eyebrow, well this is going to be interesting. "Alright, first make an overhead strike at me."
  12. The realm of the Tiger The blade never reaches Wizard's chest, it stabs at only empty air and a voice booms from behind Platypus. "I thought that you had learned by now. You can't hit me unless I wish for you to hit me." @Ookla the platypus Insanity Clinic: Library "So what are we going to do now? Go with Bookwyrm or do you want to help me train my students?" @Ookla the Crow
  13. "My creator is a reaper and I wasn't forced on this path. But once I found out that I had a affinity for weapons." Mercury shrugs, "I decided that it would be most interesting to be a reaper. Most other options would not scratch my itch for adventure."
  14. I can't wait for part III. This is incredible!
  15. Insanity Clinic: Library Emma stands up, brushing off the dust from her tunic and leggings. Walking over to Calano her clothes shift into a dress and she grins at him, slipping her hand in his, declaring. "I feel much better now!" Mentally she transmits. "I'm better, the Kaos hasn't stopped, but having something to do has helped me keep my focus." @Ookla the Crow The realm of the Tiger "You can win some, but there are many that you phsically can't win. There are going to be those beings that just have more power than you. Faster than you, more experienced than you. More prepared than you in every way." Wizard grins, "besides it is hard to teach a stubborn student, one who won't learn is one who I can't teach" @Ookla the platypus
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