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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The realm of the Tiger "This is just my spirit. I am very dead, but the tiger guardian of the clinic took in my body and basically fused my soul with it. Making me the newest Tiger, but I digress." A pure white sword with a hilt of black stripes falls into his hands. "This is your first lesson, land a single hit on me. You may now begin." @Ookla the platypus
  2. Welcome to the shard! Who are your favorite cosmere characters?
  3. The realm of the tiger "Not in the form you are expecting." A young man in his early twenties appears infront of Platypus. His skin is a bronze tan color and his smile seems to be trying to outshine the sun. "I am Wizard, Emma's twin and this is mostly what I used to look like before I died. So you want to learn the sword eh?" @Ookla the platypus Forest of Tal'rin Emma reaches over and gives Insa a hug. "You don't have to talk about your past if you don't want to. Tears begin rolling down Emma's cheeks, "but I am here for you and what ever happened in the past. I am going to train you so it never happens again!" @InfiniteInsanity
  4. The Clinic A secluded room "Because of this." The tiger moves back a few paces and then charges at Platypus, mouth gaping, teeth going to close around Platypus's head. Darkness surrounds Platypus until he falls onto a fluffy white cloud. @Ookla the platypus
  5. Wizard promptly ran Unintelligible through with his sword made of a unidentifiable metal.
  6. Forest of Tal'rin "Sure just shoot at the ones over there." Emma waves her hand and a bunch of dummies pop up out of the ground at various distances. Some even have armor on their heads. Leaving Rue to the dummies Emma walks over to Insa. "Why do you want a dagger? Just curious." @InfiniteInsanity @Ookla the Ta'veren "Well, if you really want to learn I will do it. Confusing and dangerous as it may be. @Ookla the platypus
  7. Forest of Tal'rin Emma chuckled, "if you want them than you can try to make them, with arrows. Well, you'll have to constantly be making more and focusing on them. It will take time, so for now manifest the bow and you can practice with these normal arrows." Emma reaches into her personal void and pulls out a quiver full of arrows and hands them to Rue.
  8. Wizard walked over to Subversion and a sword of a mysterious metal appeared in his hands. "I am the one your truly wish to fight Subversion."
  9. "Yes, it will soon attract larger predators, we need to be moving away before they come."
  10. Forest of Tal'rin "Yes you can. It's just easiest to teach basic combat skills with a sword. But yes if you want you can manifest it as something else. Though it takes more skill and practice to change the shape and form more than one. It's the way that the power likes to coalesce. Like this!" Emma dismisses her sword and summons a dagger, which splits into two, then to four and very quickly into a thousand magical daggers. "However it took me centuries of practice to summon a thousand. You could probably manage at least two, though the larger the object the more concentration and energy it takes." @Ookla the Ta'veren @Ookla the Pencil Taxi @InfiniteInsanity The Clinic: A secluded room "Being dead is not quite useful. I could show you that if you wish?" His claws scrape against each other, gratting painfully. "I could possibly teach you, there is maybe one way. Since human form is denied to me now." @Ookla the platypus
  11. My brain went to her killing her friend and being the person falling, but it can't be because her father would have recognized her...right?
  12. Forest of Tal'rin Shaking her head to refocus on the present, Emma rises from the ground. @Ookla the Pencil Taxi @Ookla the Ta'veren @InfiniteInsanity "It's fine Rue. You're not the first one to assume that I choose to be evil. Considering the color scheme of my powers, it's not something that I can change." The Clinic: A secluded room The tiger raises an eyebrow. "Why would I want to kill you, little platypus? I'm dead and I have no need to eat anymore." @Ookla the platypus
  13. Mercury's blades flash as she dances around the monster's claws. Strife and Malice slicing through the monster's skin. Dancing back away she moves like lightning. Erratic and unpredictable, blades glimmering with electricity. @Ookla the Omniscient
  14. All plot was reversed back to page 100, where there were no meddling people. Back to the good old ages. And Butt celebrated!
  15. The Drigger ate the civilian and Wizard was kicked out of it. The Drigger spliting away from his soul.
  16. I am the Grinch. Confuzzlement! Extreme Confuzzlement!
  17. Welcome to the shard! How are you doing?
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