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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Annimus wasn't quite so sure, but he walked over to Heartfire and grinned as he began to feel the enveloping protection of the armor. A small purring sounds and Annimus nearly falls out of his saddle when he realizes it was coming from him. Well, I've never done that before. Suppose I'm not a cat enough to really do it.
  2. Yes! I like it, you did a wonderful job and got the static hair right.
  3. Growling the Drigger consumes the third copy and, the powerful acids and magical disenchantments, obliterate the copy.
  4. If you sneezed, where did the rabbit come from? @Ookla the Unknowing
  5. Breathing in and out, syncing her breath to the pulse of lightning in her veins. Mercury slams both her swords together, a blast of lightning shooting from between the blades. It blasts away, seeking the monster's throat.
  6. Mercury grinned, finally a challenge. Her blades flash as she prepares to charge. "Come on, we can take it!" Mercury's blades zing as they gleam with electricity and she dashes at the creature. After all it was slow, right?
  7. Perhaps I should just eat all the annoying flies, then it would be over. Perhaps, though you made an oath as a human. I am not human anymore! You can never stop being human, it's who you are. The Drigger gets tired of the small people taking so long, so it grabs Subversion and rips her in half.
  8. Very interesting! Very, very interesting!
  9. Forest of Tal'rin "Alright then." Emma settles down on the grass, her sword falling to mist and she gestures for the others to do the same. "My story begins with my birth I suppose. I was born in a cabin in the woods on the world Kurin. I wasn't the only one, Wizard and I are twins. Born on the same day, a day of prophecy, the sun was eclipsed by all our ten moons at once. I was told that darkness reigned as soon as I was born. That the sky darkened and all the moons covered the sun. Then Wizard was born ten minutes later and light returned to the sky." She shrugs, "all I know is that I was born with a connection to the Kaos, a anomaly. Wizard was more normal, born with a connection to the cat god of light he always loved cats. Often times he would go into the woods and a whole pack of Jaguars would follow him home." She laughs, "it was a hectic time. Though I have mostly good memories of times with Wizard. Times where the darkness receeded and neither of us felt pushed one way or the other. Wizard though, he never really minded being pushed towards the light. Eventually I became friends with Layra and Calano, two normal children of our parent's scientist partners." A dreamy look enters her face, "we thought we had it all. I had the best friend ever in Layra. Calano was a really good friend to Wizard and kind to me when I was nervous around him." Sorrow re-enters her expression, "it was perfect until the darkness called to me. I couldn't resist, I didn't even know how! I eventually came to after having tried to walk outside into the darkness. From there it just got worse. My parents began researching anything they could find to help me contain my powers and dillute my connection to the Kaos." A bitter laugh escapes Emma, "but they could only find one dark ritual. It would strip away a part of my connection and seal it in an object. The catch was that they had to be very close to me, otherwise it wouldn't work. So I snuck away with Layra before my mom could try it and only get herself killed. I knew that the only way it would work was with Layra. So we reached the cave where I was constantly being pulled. For we had to enter a place of ancient power. My power began to manistest more and the mass of bones in the cave began to reanimate." A choked sob reaches her throat and tears begin to silently slide down her cheeks. "Layra forced me to start the ritual and when it was done. I was back in my bed, the last memory of Layra pleading with me to do it slowly fading from my brain. It was the same everywhere. Everyone forgot that Layra had ever existed. And the undead ravaged the town, nearly unkillable, but not the kind that convert others. I was the one who caused the Scourge of Kurin. The Scourge that forced our parents to put me, Calano, and Wizard in the clinic, a universe that they had created for us to be safe. Until I found the Nethergrim and became the Speakk, but that's for another time." @InfiniteInsanity @Ookla the Ta'veren @Ookla the Pencil Taxi @Ookla the Floofy The Clinic: A secluded room A voice eminates from behind the platypus. "It smells like she sent you." @Ookla the platypus
  10. The Drigger snarls at Platypus and absently swipes his paw through half the illusions.
  11. The Driger snorts and the vines evaporate in a blast of hellfire. Growling Wizard sniffs after Subversion and follows the smell to her. Leaping and gnashing her in his teeth.
  12. I vote Platypus because we need some sort of murder in here. VC: Platypus (1): Wizard
  13. As a Driger(Dragon tiger) Wizard inhales, fire tickling the back of his throat and he exhales, the blast hitting Subversion and exploding multiple times.
  14. Cursing in a forgotten tongue, Wizard shifts even further into a dragon tiger and he flies after Subversion.
  15. "Oh please, that's not even remotely painful." Wizard's tail wraps around Subversion's waist and begins to inexorably constrict.
  16. The blade shatters against his skin and Wizard grins. "You think I didn't expect that did you? Well I've learned much while being in my cave for endless years. And with it, this!" Wizard grabs Subversion's head inbetween his two paws and concentrating he forces a curse upon her. A curse of feeling the pain that she inflicts on others. Yes I pulled an Eragon, don't question it.
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