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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Wizard starts awake. "Yes, yes what did I miss? Oh we supposed to be killing that person? Alright then!" Wizard shifts into a massive bengal tiger and leaps at Subversion, going for the killing blow.
  2. Just arrived barely in time to play about two songs with the nonet because I had to take a bus back to the school. At least I can't be late to the choir concert later.
  3. Mercury taps Ran'at's and I'ikeq's medallions creating the link that carried their voices across vast distances.
  4. Strange titles that the shade had said, yet Lord of the Mist...hmmm. You can't solve the puzzle, you never could. Giggles the voice in his head. So you're back then, I will have to get rid of you one of these days. Shaking his head, Annimus turns towards Quendi. "You're welcome. With a tone of admiration Annimus adds, "it wounded me, only you could even keep it distracted." Annimus notes the expression from the others as metal grows out of his skin. Always an outcast. Always.
  5. Forest of Tal'rin "I don't but this isn't that part of my past. It's a part of my past you all deserve to know." @Ookla the Pencil Taxi @Ookla the Ta'veren @InfiniteInsanity
  6. "Good, never forget that. Never let the pain become a pleasure and you will do well." Emma waves her hands and all the dummies sink into the ground. "Come over her Rue and Stormy. I have something to tell you. About my past and about the Kaos." @InfiniteInsanity @Ookla the Pencil Taxi @Ookla the Ta'veren
  7. "But you can not kill the Aelfinn and Eelfinn! It's even harder than killing a Gholam!"
  8. *Cackles evily* "You can not leave the Tower of Ghenji, the snakes and foxes won't let you!"
  9. Falling through a brief tunnel of blackness, Platypus lands into a slate grey room with a single window. There appears to be nobody in the room. @Ookla the platypus "Enjoyment in the pain or laughing at your own failure? It is important to make the distinction, one will become a great leader, the other a psycopath." Emma raises an eyebrow fractionally. "Of course it's not fair, when fighting your opponent will use every trick in the book against you. And quite a few new ones. You must learn how to fight, because these worlds are heading towards war, the Kaos will find everyone when it breaks free. You must be ready to fight against it and quite possibly me, if I should fall to it again." @Ookla the Ta'veren @InfiniteInsanity @Ookla the Pencil Taxi @Ookla the Floofy
  10. The shade advances it's daggers reaching even closer, eager to bite into her skin. The shade's daggers finally trap Quendi in a nearly inescapable situation. One clawed hand wrapped around the quarterstaff and the other dagger reaches over, seeking her heart. Annims pounces, his left arm grasping at the shades arm. Claws raking down the shade's arm as Anikel strikes at the shade from behind. The shade screeches and it begins to dissolve, seams of darkness vaporizing, foggy mist disappearing. "Fools," gasps the shade, "my master comes. The bringer of the deep. Lord of the mist. Hahaha, he comes and you can not see it. Even now." Disgruntled, Annimus grasps at the chest of the shade and rips out it's core. A beating heart of pure darkness, pulsing with life energy. Annimus stares at the orb and begins to start draining it, replenishing his energy with pure lifeforce, unaligned with any animal. Slowly the metal begins to regrow out of his body, slowly expanding outwards.
  11. Forest of Tal'rin "I see you already know how to summon your sword. There is not much I can teach you, but Calano and Bookwyrm could surely teach you better than I can." Emma points to ground and a portal opens up into the clinic. "If you want, there are much better teachers in there for you. And there are those that can scratch your urge for adventure. Or...hmm." Emma thoughtfully taps her chin, "perhaps I could send you to my twin, he could teach you and he isn't trying to solve any puzzle currently like my beloved Calano." @Ookla the platypus Emma walks away from the platypus and walks over to Insa. "Are you alright?" @InfiniteInsanity
  12. Happy birthday Matrim!

    May the dice always roll in your favor.

    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain!

  13. Mercury grins and her excitement bleeds into her blades which begin to hum softly with crackles of electricity. "Time to get a move on!"
  14. Granted. Your views of right and wrong are flipped. I wish to know the secret to infinite energy.
  15. Perhaps in 20 hours you may take this. Perhaps sooner. Dovie'andi se tovya sagain
  16. "I'll tell you mine, but then I get to learn yours. My name is Mercury and these are my blades, Strife and Malice."
  17. The shade twists it's face, barely dodging the full force of the blow. A irritated hissing clicking noise eminates from the shade and it forms two daggers instead of the sword. It bursts into motion, it's speed matching Quendi's speed. The daggers catching the quarterstaff and distrupting it's figure-eight movement. The being begins to frenzy, lusting after Quendi's lifeforce. The life energy of a mage would sustain it well until it's next major meal. From behind Annimus begins to creep forward, using his armor to remain as silent as possible. Wanting to leap after the shade, his senses tune into the deep energy contained within the shade and he wants it. Wants to be whole again, fully protected by the power of his ancestors. Edging closer, Annimus nears striking range.
  18. "It appears some other acolytes have caught up to us. Perhaps they're looking for help." Mercury waves at the figures, both swords still in her hands.
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