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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Forest of Tal'rin "Well it feels like it has that destructive power, and I know it isn't from the Kaos, otherwise it would have been able to cut me. It could be something else, something dangerous. Not quite as dangerous as the Kaos but it appears to be made from Gormite. A rare metal only found under unusual circumstances." Emma flips the blade around and channeling her power into her fingertip, she carves off a tiny flake from the sword. "Definitely alloyed with balefire. In fact that's why the sword has the properties of balefire. This metal can absorb the properties of any system and basically replicate them when it strikes something. Not useful in most cases, but balefire should be deadly to quite a few of the creatures here, though there's also many of the more dangerous ones that are immune to it." Handing back the sword to Rue, Emma smiles. "It's alright, you can go practice with it, since it will be the sword you will be wielding in battle." @Ookla the Ta'veren
  2. "Hey Kae." A teasing grin spreads across Mercury's face, "climb testing your abilities already?"
  3. This is stupid, this is stupid. Well why don't you go get yourself killed then? It would at least be mildly entertaining Shut up will yah. Just...just be quiet until I can deal with you, later. Snarling Annimus dashes at the shade, slashing at it's chest. A low moaning eminates from the shade, almost like a chuckle. It's clawed hand flashes out and rips into Annimus's skin. The blood from the tear tumbling towards the shade. Warrily Annimus circles the shade, right arm limp, all feeling begining to dull. Turning the shade focuses more on the less wounded prey, the one that was the dangerous one. The one who could wield magic. A hissing breath of a whisper eminates from it's shifting mouths. "Dangerousss this one isss. Yet you can not stop it as it drains your life. I can feel it flowing into me even now. With your weakness, my strength only grows." Hissing laughing the shade blurs towards Quendi, claws extended, ready to rake the life from her body. @Ookla the [Redacted] @Ookla the Forgotten
  4. Mercury reached a shrine at the foot of the mountain. After all it had been an easy run. Only some weak snake monsters. Nothing that made her blades glow, nothing that nearly got her and her friend kille- A thought strikes Mercury faster than her lightning. "Shades, I left Kaeli again." Wincing Mercury decides to wait for Kaeli at the shrine.
  5. Forest of Tal'rin Well this is going to be interesting when she finds Nameless. It's after the time of the dragon so she probably won't kill or gentle him on sight. "Hmm, do you view the dummies as men? @Ookla the Ta'veren The dummies other arm whirls around and smacks her upside the head, leaving her to lie on the ground as the dummies retreat into the ground. @Ookla the Pencil Taxi
  6. "Begin." The words boomed in Mercury's head, the weight of them not quite completely settling down on her. Jogging Mercury begins her climb, scanning the environment for anything that was could jump out at her. After a little bit she speeds up, reasoning that she could pull out her blades faster than anything could jump at her.
  7. Forest of Tal'rin "Sure feel free to run through until you can't run or move anymore!" @InfiniteInsanity Emma takes the blade from Rue and attempts to slash it over her own hand. Seeing no mark Emma comments, "well at least it rules out that possibility. Not a Kaos blade of any sort. Could be balefire, hmmm. Do you know if you can channel Rue?" @Ookla the Ta'veren
  8. I am rather late to the party, but welcome to the shard!
  9. I give you a bottle soda and a can of mentos and tell you to have fun. I have a recipe for mouse toothpaste.
  10. Forest of Tal'rin "Stormy and Insa you two run the gauntlet while I help Rue." Walking over to Rue a couple of possible reasons dash through her head. Holding out her hand Emma asks, "can I see your blade?" @Ookla the Ta'veren
  11. I gladly take the can and I trade you a bottle of deionized water. I have a tame whitespine!
  12. Forest of Tal'rin "Now make certain you have a good chunk of space to yourself- Emma waves the white sword above her head, the handle begining to stain a milky grey. "Rue move away from Stormy, you're getting too close! Now hold your sword in your dominant hand." Emma's right hand curls into a ball and a piece of wood in the shape of a person appears infront of her. "Now overhand!" Her sword flicks downward in her hand spliting the wood in half, as the chunk begins to fall another wood dummy appears behind her. Slashing horizontally she cuts it in half. Diagonally cutting upwards she cleaves the new one infront of her and slams the sword diagonaly downwards on the dummy right next to it. Her hands fly behind her and her sword blocks a strike from the dummy that just appeared. Bending in half, keeping the sword covering her back, her sword impales the dummy behind her. Two more spring up infront and each of them falls to a single blow. Suddenly a ring of dummies appears around her and Emma only grins. Becoming a blur her sword fells three with one stroke. Her sword seems to move on it's own, blocking every strike just at the right time, a deadly extension of her own body. Spinning in a semicircle the rest of the dummies fold upon her sword. "That is what you are going to do. Run the dummy gauntlet until you get struck!" @InfiniteInsanity @Ookla the Pencil Taxi @Ookla the Ta'veren
  13. Welcome to the shard! What inworld food would you most want to try?
  14. Internally Emma freezes, but relaxes after she realizes the difference. There's no way she could wield Kaos, it doesn't have the darkness about it. The hunger to absorb reality and remake it randomly. "Good, both of you have done very well!" Turning to Stormy Emma offers encouragement. "You can do it, focus!" Emma's own blade begins to warp the air around it and she sighs. Dismissing her blade she forms a new one. Reaching through the light instead of Kaos and a blade of brilliant white light coalesces in her hands. Well that's a development. I guess I really do have to thank Wizard later. @Ookla the Pencil Taxi @Ookla the Floofy
  15. Forest of Tal'rin Emma grins. "I'm glad you decided to join us." Turning to the larger group as a whole. Emma instructs, "hold out your hand and focus on the image of a sword. One will appear in your hand from my storage that is tailored to you." Well not actually, but it's the easiest way to trick them to form a sword with their power. Let's see how it goes. @Ookla the Ta'veren @Ookla the Pencil Taxi @InfiniteInsanity
  16. I have been thinking on this and I think I have a possible solution, not perfect but a solution. I think RNG is something that is going to have to be part of certain things, but the GM could also have a hidden factor that can increase or decrease how likely it is to succeed. Like successive turns of seeking something is less likely to yield the wanted result if it was already given. Something around the 5-10% range or maybe more. It would depend on GM discression and a unchangeable stead fast rule that was set in place before the game began. And probably run it past the IM to try to maintain impartiality, because it is a hard case in which to remain impartial but also allow the players to influence their success to a certain degree. I think that it would have to be a set increase by a certain amount if they fulfill the specific hidden case that will increase or decrease their chances. Say a set 10%. So using the nightwatcher example, no one knows that if you RP over 275 words for the nightwatcher boon then you get a set increase of 10%. And no one would know that if you only RP 100 or less that it decreases your chances by 10%. It's by no means a perfect solution but it's a melding of the two even if it is more dependent on RNG than player input. Edit: It would also be good to judge the threshold of how powerful the boon would be to the player and accordingly fit it in one percentage category set up before. For example, a category one, two, and three for how powerful the boon would be. Just throwing out some numbers. Have category one around 80% and it would be up to the GM. But I'd place this around rather weak boons for the village, like action scanning, but can't scan the kill. Perhaps something else, but I can't think of more right now. Or a one shot semi usefull power. Category two probably round 45% and with things like a extra life, vote manip and the like. Category three probably round 10-15% and having a vig kill, allignment scanner. Possibly unblockable, but extremely heavy banes. Well everything would have heavy banes, just heavier than for some of the "weaker" tiers.
  17. A shifting black mass of faces comes screaming though the mists. Each face that appears is unique and screaming in agony. The blade it wields is formed from pure blackness, the hilt made of a dried up head and bones. The blade seems to call for blood, a unearthly chanting sounding form the blade as it screams towards Quendi's head. @Ookla the [Redacted] @Ookla the Forgotten
  18. OOOH I can leave my spren children in your shoe now! Edit: And now I have gone from being Capricious to being Machiavellian!
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