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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. @Ookla the foolish @Ookla the Abstract
  2. Anna walked over to Eddie, smiling at Eddie's friends being cute together on the grass and at her daughter with Charlie. "Well it seems this all has turned out quite well." @Ookla of Ravens @Canada Lover @Ookla the Believer
  3. A tall woman with waist long dark hair and deep violet eyes came running up. Her dress was black and purple and something felt wrong about her, she smiled at him, canines glinting, unnaturally sharper and larger. "Sorry," she panted, "she does this with everyone. Let me get her out of there for you." She reached forward to put the palm of her hand on the door.
  4. "No, you're male, I just met you, and I am not giving up my last place of safety and solitude!" Her voice grew more bitter and angry with each word, "just leave, just leave."
  5. After a while her voice drifted through the door, "at least you're not too much of a fool and you're polite."
  6. A beautiful young woman with glimmering golden hair came up to him and giggled, "so you're the latest fool? Well she hasn't been found all day." Turning she left him and headed to her room, slumping against the door. "Well that was fast," she muttered and flung a dagger into the woodwork.
  7. AHHH HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Ravenclawjedi42


      LATE THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. *hugs* I do hope and believe it will build to something beautiful We love you sis
  9. "Yeah that sounds nice," she mumbled as she fell asleep against Aster.
  10. "I think I could stay here forever," yawned Lilyana, closing her eyes, and curling up next to Aster.
  11. Lilyana took a deep breath in, "o-okay." Still panting slightly she rolled off of Aster and just lay down next to her, letting herself be calmed by her presence.
  12. She blushed, "I-i just don't know if I want them to know about us, yet."
  13. Lilyana blushed, "uhm yeah I'm okay just close to you but that's more than okay." She blushed again, her whole face turning a vivid pink.
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