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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Sorry man, If I had any I would have burned it a long time ago. TPBM has fallen asleep standing up before.
  2. Forest of Tal'rin "She's fine. I've already taken care of her." Turning to Insa, Emma hands her a star shaped fruit. "You expended more energy then you had and fell unconscious. Here eat this. It will help you recover your energy." Emma looks of Insa and Stormy and thoughts begin to turn in her mind. They look about the same in experience. Neither has learned how to wield a weapon and neither has much control over their magic. A grin spreads over Emma's face as a idea enters her mind. I'll have them both spar with each other, then teach them some forms. Have them eat some food then move on to teaching them magic. It's probably the best way to teach them for now. Emma points towards the pan full of food. "Eat up both of you two, you're both going to have a long hard day tomorrow! And you can help me to Telrao, don't think that you don't get to help." @InfiniteInsanity @Ookla the Floofy @Ookla the Pencil Taxi
  3. Forest of Tal'rin "I have no idea where you got it, just that you have it. Insa has the power of the storms running through her veins. When she learns how to properly channel it, she will be formidable indeed. Your power though, it feels like one moment you are the growling grizzly bear and the next a stalking panther. You can shift into those animals but you can also just imbue yourself with their attributes." @Ookla the Pencil Taxi
  4. Forest of Tal'rin Emma gently feels for Insa's pulse and pushes a bit of her energy into Insa. "She'll be okay, she just passed out that's all. I'll wake her up in a few minutes when the food is finally ready. You do have magic of your own, I can feel it waking up. Like..." Emma's gaze drifts to the fire and she leaps to her feet, snatching the meat off before it burns. "Like I was saying, your power feels like an animal waking up, Insa's power feels like a raging electrical storm." Emma reaches into the air and pulls out a bag of smelling salts and gently wafts it under Insa's nose. @InfiniteInsanity @Ookla the Pencil Taxi
  5. Forest of Tal'rin "Give me your hand and I can show you if you have power or not. It's a simple test." @Ookla the Pencil Taxi
  6. "A soul ripped from a body, that was twisted to feed on souls. They look humanoid until they move, then their form loses it's shape as they come screaming at you. They can be killed but while fighting them, they will drain your energy." @Ookla the [Redacted]
  7. Forest of Tal'rin "Good! How's your energy doing? It takes quite a bit of energy to make armor, especially when you're first learning. Your capacity for magic will increase the more you use it, the more you will be able to do." @InfiniteInsanity @Ookla the Pencil Taxi
  8. Forest of Tal'rin The forest warns Emma and she retracts the helm, putting it under one arm as she turns to see Stormy wander in. "You can feel free to join us. We're working magic currently. Do you know if you have any magic?" @Ookla the Pencil Taxi
  9. Forest of Tal'rin "Yes! Exactly like that. Now try to make it solid metal." The darkness flow over and covers Emma, turning into a solid set of pure black, demonic looking armor. "When you can manage to form your own armor, it will look different for you. Each person's armor reflects their power and so each is unique." @InfiniteInsanity
  10. OOOOOO SOUR CANDY! I trade you my grandfather's wrinkled left pinky I have the leg of a victorian throne.
  11. *Hugs* It sucks when others don't take things seriously when they should.
  12. Forest of Tal'rin "Focus the sparks into a glove around your hand like this." Darkness seeps from the air until it forms a black glove around Emma's hand that sucks in the light.
  13. Forest of Tal'rin Emma graps Insa's stick and her own stick and concentrating, they both disappear, deep into a hidden pocket. Gathering some other sticks, Emma quickly gets a fire going and she starts cooking some meat on a spit. "It should be reading in a bit. I can start teaching you how to control your magic in that time" @InfiniteInsanity
  14. Forest of Tal'rin The next time Insa strikes, Emma steps into the strike, taking the hit. But she slams her stick into Insa's side, causing her to collapse. Emma reaches down offering her hand to help Insa up. "You learned much and now I can start teaching you the forms. But experience is the best teacher, far better than I am. Would you like some food?" @InfiniteInsanity
  15. As the sun goes down the smell returns and Annimus stops Heartfire, nearly causing a collision in the caravan. Annimus shakes and his bones seem to turn to traitorous squirrels. "The smell, it's directly infront of us. Yet no blood, it's wraiths. They smell of death with no blood, I didn't realize it earlier." @Ookla the [Redacted] @Ookla the Forgotten
  16. Forest of Tal'rin Emma leaps over Insa's strike and lands behind her, striking her behind the shoulderblades. Emma speeds up, moving far faster than she was before, her stick raining blows down in Insa. Moving with the wind she dodges each of Insa's strikes and she counterattacks. Very soon Insa amasses a large amount of bruises. @InfiniteInsanity
  17. The Forest of Tal'rin Emma slaps the stick out of Insa's hands and then raps her stick on Insa's knuckles. "We're not done quite yet, there's still an hour of daylight left!" @InfiniteInsanity
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