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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. I got tired of summoning people, sorry Thaidakar, you can summon more if you want. @Ookla the platypus @Ookla the Ta'veren
  2. I shall summon all the people @Ookla the Unknowing @Ookla the Perpetual @Ookla the catastrophizer @Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff @Ookla the Obstinate @Ookla the Inverted @Ookla the Cloud @InfiniteInsanity @Ookla the Floofy And many many more @Everyone
  3. The Forest of Tal'rin Emma neatly stepped to the side and angled Insa's strike away with her stick. Emma's stick pokes Insanity in her ribs. "A lunge is good, hard to avoid, unless you know what to do." Emma's stick rises up to block Insa's next strike and her next. Always flowing into place, never wavering, never slowing. @InfiniteInsanity
  4. The Forest of Tal'rin Emma grasps the stick in her free hand and the sparks evaporate. She slings the stick back to Insanity. "If you want to learn magic, the first thing you're going to have to do is learn how to fight. The stick is your sword for now, come at me!" Emma's feet shift into a defensive stance, waiting for Insanity to come at her. @InfiniteInsanity
  5. Ruins of Tal'rin: The Forest "From me." In a blurring strike, Emma's stick raps on Insa's knuckles, hard. @InfiniteInsanity @Ookla the Perpetual @Ookla the Crow
  6. Ruins of Tal'rin Of course my sass is rubbing off on you, we're connected with a deeper bond than you know, Telrao. The last time I formed such a bond was with the Nethergrim and it wasn't good. I'll leave it at that as I'd rather not talk about it. If you want to help, I'm training Insanity over here in the art of combat, starting with sticks. @Ookla the Floofy
  7. Ruins of Tal'rin "Yes, I can help with that. Give me your hand." Placing her palm against Insanity's palm, Emma feels the lines on her hands. She senses the lines in Insa's hand and from that infornation Emma determines what she can do. "There are two things that I can teach you, one how to fight and two how to wield your magic. The fighting will help strengthen your body and the magic, your mind. These are key to surviving the random attacks of the Kaos." Emma steps back from Insa and the grass, grows. The trees regrow and life returns to the forest clearing. Picking up two sticks from the ground, Emma tosses one at Insa. "Catch it and defend yourself!" @InfiniteInsanity
  8. Let me think about it. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 To awaken from this dream or to sleep?
  9. Runins of Ta'rin "You can't be the tool for every situation. I know what it is like to feel like you can do nothing, useless and abandoned. I could teach you a few things if you want." @InfiniteInsanity
  10. Welcome to my world! But really, I hope you feel better and can have the mental fortitude to focus during your concerts!
  11. Ruins of Tal'rin Emma cocks an eyebrow and a note of teasing enters her voice. "Even Bookwyrm?" @InfiniteInsanity
  12. Ruins of Tal'rin Emma shrugs, "It's not something I like to talk about much." Thankful for the change of subject Emma takes Insanitiy's hand and rises to her feet. "I made a kind of need portal because I was bored. It took me to where I could do something and it dumped me infront of you. Why?" Emma shrugs, "I don't know. But is there anything you need or want help with? Or just a friend to talk to?" @InfiniteInsanity
  13. Thy tosh has gone kabosh! In other words it exploded.
  14. Welcome to the shard @PyroPhile! Do you have a favorite Wit insult?
  15. What has thou cursed us with? Nothing too dreadful I hope Otherwise shakespeare
  16. That's good to do that! What's your favorite breed of cat? Favorite breed of dog? Favorite breed of bunny?
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