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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. @Ookla the Perpetual Ruins of Tal'rin Emma grins, "I'm fine. I lived in only a cave for a long time. Though the scenery shifted on the Nethergrim's whims." Emma grimaces, "as did my clothes and my food and basically any control I had over myself. I was a living doll in the hands of a child. Either I had to do it or she would force me to. A lot worse than a normal inhabitation because it was a bond and so we knew each other's thoughts. Sometimes I couldn't tell myself from her." @InfiniteInsanity
  2. That was a really fun game! Thanks for running it and giving me a awesome death Kas! Also thank you for dueling me Fifth! I had put in a order to duel you the round before the duel. I had lots of fun taking your duel suggestions and trying to turn them to my use. Lib Wubum/Darth Wizard will come back at some time. He's too fun a character to let die and I had meant the lightsaber coming out, meant it fully came out. Though I liked the double blades Spear lightsaber, so I went with the way you were flowing with the force. Ash you were right, many times and I didn't listen. Next time I'll make sure to listen.
  3. No, I don't. I think my cats would want to maybe eat it. TPBM is going to sneeze as soon as they read this.
  4. The Clinic: Calano's Office Emma being bored, closes the portal and focuses on making a difficult portal. One that would lead her where she could help. A sense of sadness and worthlessness seems to flow through and Emma steps through without a second thought. And Emma promptly falls face first into the ground infront of Insanity. @InfiniteInsanity
  5. The blue saber freezes, both lightsabers stopped by the power of the force. Forcing the duel into a stalemate gave Wizard time to think and to talk. "You can hold mine, but I can hold your's far longer than you can hold mine. The darkness grows and the sun begins to sink, you can feel the darkness beginning to seep from the ground. Soon the Tuk'ata will come for you. Perhaps I'll let you live and feed you to my pack. Without your lightsaber of course, I can have you hurting them, now can I? Or perhaps I could throw you into the pit with our Terentatek. They've been growing hungry and it's been long since they've consumed a Jedi. Or I can drain you myself, you can choose." How am I going to beat him. My muscles are lagging and my breath grows short. I can feel my spirit dissipating. I have a tactic I can try but it's going to be dangerous. Almost as dangerous as the last time. Digging deep inside and draining the force from the ground. He blasts lightning at Hamartano's lightsaber while holding it with the force. Trying to get the lightning to rebound of the lightsaber into his own blade and then into Hamartano.
  6. If I snort lemons, Do I gain magic power? I surely hope so!
  7. Immediately after his lightsaber misses the Jedi's ear, the deadly red beam swings in a diagonal cut towards Hamartano's chest. The cobalt beam blocks the strike and Wizard swings again, more aggressively at the Jedi's right side. Again the Jedi's lightsaber blocks his strike. Soon he is forced onto the defensive as the balance of the Jedi switches. Sweat begins to bead ferociously down his brow and soon the advantage swung back in his favor. Strike after strike, sparks flying, the Jedi blocks his every hit. Screaming internally Wizard keeps a cool front, the only sign of his weakening the sweat beading down his brow. The Jedi switches tactics and flick's Wizard's lightsaber up, quickly he turns it off, unbalancing the Jedi. He presses his advantage, his rage building back up, screaming mentally he releases a powerful force shove. Pushing Hamartano away and giving him time to reach his lightsaber and yanked on it with the force. The red beam shoots back our, right as Hamartano regains his feet. Having reset the circumstances, Wizard dives back at Hamartano, merging the acrobatic combat of Form IV with the emotion and power of Juyo form. The cobalt blue on crimson red flashes return and Wizard watches for Hamartano to try the tactics he has before, while preparing his own tactics and tricks.
  8. The Clinic: Calano's Study Emma raises a eyebrow and walks over to the wall, her finger glows with dark power and she draws a imprint of a door. Stabbing the middle of the door with her finger, she creates a portal between realities. Emma grins, observing her handywork. "I think you forget that I'm overcharged right now and connected to a being that subverts the rules of reality." @Ookla the Floofy @Ookla the Crow
  9. The Clinic: Calano's Office Emma scratches the fur under Telrao's chin and giggles as Telrao's tail tickles her. "What are we going to do now? Should we go to Layra or try something else. What do you think, Telrao and Calano?" @Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Floofy
  10. I still think it looks like a dog with human hair. 7/10
  11. Actually I think I'd like to sign up for a MR slot and a LG slot instead of a BT.
  12. As the blast of lightning grins into the sky, Wizard also grins. "The knowledge and power of the sith will not die with me." Falling into Form Seven, he charges at the Jedi. The crimson red clashing against the deepest blue. Wizard moves and Hamartano moves with him. Each strike that he tries to make is blocked by the steady blue blade. A rage begins to build, burning a fire in his veins. A cooling blast of fear flashes through his mind, but he quickly pushes it way. I am a sith, master of hate and anger. It is my key to power, if I lose it, then I am lost. Reaching deep inside he grasps at the knots of hate and he tugs one loose. Power burns through his veins and his strikes strengthen, begining to hammer against the light of the Jedi. Jolts of red lightning climb up the length of the blade minorly burning both Wizard and Hamartano. Wizard hammers on, focusing on the rage and power of Form Seven. Bringing out his rage in the unpredictable way that would confuse even the most observant opponents. His blade flicks up, blocking the blue arc that would have taken off his head. By keeping his blade in place Wizard forces Hamartano into another contest of strength. Preparing for Hamartano to pull the same stunt as last time, he ensures that if the other lightsaber goes off, Hamartano loses his head.
  13. The Islands: The Secret Room Feeling the intent in Telrao, Emma scoops her up in her arms. "Welcome to our family Telrao." Hugging Telrao over her heart, she forms a bond with the cat. Lending her mastery of language and speach in exchange for Telrao taking on some of the darkness. Emma sets Telrao down on her shoulders and grins at her."You're now the fourth being to help with this, thank you Telrao!" @Ookla the Floofy @Ookla the Crow
  14. "I think I can help Telrao, that is if she wants to come with us and is willing." Emma stretches out her hand to Telrao. "Do you want to come with us Telrao?" @Ookla the Floofy
  15. Each time your chin goes down when saying a word is a syllable. This important PSA was brought to you by the Haiku coders.
  16. Wizard nods focusing on evading over attacking. "I will likely not, but time does her duty well. Even the sharpest minds become dull over time. The strongest words fall lifeless on deaf ears. Change is the ally of the Sith, not the Jedi. Consistency and tradition are your backbone and your moral support. What happens when you learn that your master has slaughtered innocents because of the Sith?" Preying on the distraction of the Jedi, Wizard quickly sticks the spear back into it's harness, and his steps become firmer. Switching to a two handed grip on his lightsaber, he slowly he gives ground. Turning in a circle, he lets Hamartano hit as hard as he wants. Wizard's weapon always flows into place before the Jedi manages to strike. Sometimes just barely, but Wizard guides the duel by letting Hamartano think he's in charge. Though as the Jedi begins to wise up to his trick, Wizard removes one hand from the lightsaber and thrusting a blast of force at the ground, kicks up a storm of dust. Retreating into the dust, he powers down his lightsaber. Quickly he binds his side, stopping the flow of blood. Thrusting out both his palms, Wizard sends a few blasts of lightning into the dust. Quickly he pulls his lightsaber back out and listens, his massive haillu sticking up like radar dishes. Trying to listen for the sound of another humming blade.
  17. Nope, don't have any. TPBM wishes they could shapeshift into a flaming tiger.
  18. I'd like to sign up for a break tank, based around the idea of getting to choose your own roles. I'm thinking probably a radiant game where you progress as you say oaths for a sanderson game though my mind wants to do a BTD tier game. Basic idea is that you get one of two orders, some being more rare than others, to choose from. And as you progress far enough in your oaths, by surviving and maybe RPing.
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