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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. This was a mistake, for the Rooth were waiting in the Root Room and they blasted Platypus with Root happiness and complacency.
  2. The Rooth took Platypus far away where they could sacrifice him for more root. And more importantly where he just couldn't narrate himself away.
  3. Annimus nods his head and freezes, licking his lips nervously. "Well that's really strange. Virbu protect us from the predators of Carn."
  4. The real secret is Put your hand under your chin Chin down syllables
  5. The sith began to worship the fountain and their lightsabers became rootsabers.
  6. I begin counting all the trees and lots more than just counting on my fingers repetitively and they give me the sandwich instead.
  7. The Islands: The Secret Room I can try. "I can always try." Emma reaches over a hand to scratch Telrao, "Telrao is their a way to siphon off more of the darkness and store it somewhere?" @Ookla the Floofy @Ookla the Crow
  8. The smell of sizzling fish fills the air and the spearhead stabs the saber, keeping it from doing more than shallowly cutting him. Wordlessly growling, Wizard slams his lightsaber ontop of Hamartano's trapping it against the ground. Blood begins to seep from his side and the grin fades from his face. The pressure from his saber keeps the Jedi's saber stuck into the ground and feeling safe, Wizard responds to Hamartano's earlier comments. "You'll have to do more than nick me Jedi. You lie about being able to beat me, don't you FEEL it? The last hope of the light draining away as the darkness grows stronger. Soon, so very soon we will have enough darkness to overturn other worlds." Time to spread some fear and doubt. Only truth with a single hidden lie. Wizard scoffs, "and even if you can kill me, you will replace me. You have passion, I can see the flickers of purple inside of your saber. You can not deny it, the dark side has tendrils in everyone, including you! No one can escape it, everything is inevitably headed towards decay. Your new order will fall and when it does, we will be waiting. It took thousands of years to overthrow the old order. Your order has the same weaknesses as-" Wizard quickly jabs his spear towards Hamartano's left shoulder, utilizing the oldest trick in the book. Distract and then attack before you're done talking.
  9. "I am a tiger and so I have the smelling ability of a tiger, which is much higher than when I'm a human." Holding up his paw, Annimus points to the west, "the smell is coming from that direction." @Ookla the Forgotten @Ookla the [Redacted]
  10. Do you all know where some deathsticks are? A High prince I am and a High prince I shall be! Edit: "I've got this strange rock in my pocket!" Pulls out a stone with a vein of quartz. "It looks tasty!" *Crunches and swallows* "Yummy, yummy!"
  11. I dunno, it should have all been exploded and set on fire.
  12. Quickly shifting his hands, the center grows red as the blue beam blazes through the center. Wizard leaps back narrowly avoiding being cut himself by the deadly blue light. Grasping the spear head in one hand and the now exposed lightsaber in the other. A memory comes back to him. His master is dueling against him, training him in the deadly dance of combat. He strikes at the center of his master's spear, nearly breaking it in half. His master disengages and he breaks his weapon in half. Leaping about, he then proceeds to beat his student with the two weapons. "Always try the unexpected, that will win you more fights than doing what is expected each time. Let your opponent think they've drawn a devestating blow, then beat them." Ragnos then proceeds to punish him for failing to react properly to the tactic. "If you are to be a Sith, then you must fight more! Fight more deadlier and dirtier. Or I will have no use for you!" Wizard grins as he channels some lightning into the cut and the weapon separates completely. Channeling lightning into the spear head, it hums back alive with deadly lightning. Trying a unorthodox method, Wizard spins his lightsaber in a circle, holding the spear head behind it, preparing to strike. He advances on Hamartano, humming and crackling filling the air.
  13. If the head exploded, where did the spear come from?
  14. I only took at taste, I SWEAR! What is the strangest phrase you can come up with?
  15. Thaidakar have you seen this!


    You made it to the top of the yearly leaderboard!

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      may have noticed.

  16. I feel that life has been kind of gloomy lately. I noticed that the flags are at half mast and they seem to perpetually be that way.

    So I found my favorite poem and I heard a new one today that I'm going to share with you all. Try to put some more joy in someone else's life. It's also Light the world! So do some service for someone else and help bring hope back into other people's lives. Here's the link for a explanation and prompt suggestions.

    Good Timber by Douglas Malloch


    The tree that never had to fight
    For sun and sky and air and light,
    But stood out in the open plain
    And always got its share of rain,
    Never became a forest king
    But lived and died a scrubby thing.

    The man who never had to toil
    To gain and farm his patch of soil,
    Who never had to win his share
    Of sun and sky and light and air,
    Never became a manly man
    But lived and died as he began.

    Good timber does not grow with ease:
    The stronger wind, the stronger trees;
    The further sky, the greater length;
    The more the storm, the more the strength.
    By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
    In trees and men good timbers grow.

    Where thickest lies the forest growth,
    We find the patriarchs of both.
    And they hold counsel with the stars
    Whose broken branches show the scars
    Of many winds and much of strife.
    This is the common law of life.

    A Builder Or a Wrecker by Charles Franklin Benvegar


    As I watched them tear a building down
    A gang of men in a busy town
    With a ho-heave-ho, and a lusty yell
    They swung a beam and the side wall fell

    I asked the foreman, “Are these men skilled,
    And the men you’d hire if you wanted to build?”
    He gave a laugh and said, “No, indeed,
    Just common labor is all I need.”

    “I can easily wreck in a day or two,
    What builders have taken years to do.”
    And I thought to myself, as I went my way
    Which of these roles have I tried to play'

    Am I a builder who works with care,
    Measuring life by rule and square?
    Am I shaping my work to a well-made plan
    Patiently doing the best I can'

    Or am I a wrecker who walks to town
    Content with the labor of tearing down?
    “O Lord let my life and my labors be
    That which will build for eternity!”


    1. EmulatonStromenkiin


      Love the builder or wrecker one

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      They’re both really incredible. I actually liked the first one more. It’s a beautiful metaphor. 

  17. I don't really think that there is because your personality seems to be more dependent on how you were raised. It's a nature vs. nuture question, and I think it might have some of nature but definitely in my life, I've seen a greater impact from nuture instead of nature on this one.
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