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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Welcome to the shard! I like your profile picture! What is your favorite storyline in the series so far?
  2. It felt good to no longer be hiding behind a mask. A facade that was fading, slowly being dragged through the muck. Being forced to hide from those who he should have been murdering. Forcing the lynching of innocents through manipulation had been fun, but not enough to slake his hunger for violence. His suppressed rage breaks free and he harnesses his rage, fueling the darkness inside. He revels in the familiar dark feelings of anger, hate, and bitterness. Lightning runs from his hand, falling towards the tip of the electro-spear. The lightning crackles to a deep purple, and Wizard grins feeling the pulse of the battle, the heartbeat of the sith. Turning to the left, Wizard slams the spearhead into the ground. The weapon gives him a boost helping him jump high over Hamartano, parrying a few blows while in the air. Feeling the balance shift, Wizard shifts to a more aggressive strategy. His dual sided weapon carving two deadly semicircles through the air, forcing Hamartano to move or parry. "Who is your master young Jedi, so that I might hunt him down next? It's been a long time since I've destroyed a Jedi's legacy. I've been around longer than you can think, these plans are years in the making. And I will not have the Jedi mess them up! For the Sith will rise once more and Ragnos will be emperor!" Wizard's yellow eyes burn with fanatic glee. "For soon you Jedi will be dead and we will reclaim Korriban!"
  3. This is really good! You have talent Cin! RANDOMOSITY!
  4. Wubum circles the Jedi, muscles tensing at the slight nearly imperceptible movements. The gungan allows his breathing to speed up to a rapid tempo. Each breath enriching his body with the power of the dark side, tendrils of lightning creeping down his arms preparing to strike. The brutal lessons of Ragnos flow through his mind. It is not cheating to survive. It is not cheating to hide your weapon inside of something inconspicuous. There are no rules in duels and throwing cats is allowed. Old tricks are sometimes the best. Confuse your enemy by doing the expected. Electrify your weapon, very useful in shocking your opponents. Surprise is your greatest ally, Honor has tried to kill me too many times. Jedi fall because they are too focused on protecting others, go after innocents. Innocents usually scream the loudest too, great for attracting the Jedi. "I am Darth Wizard! Most Ancient of my people! Last Disciple of Ragnos! Hider under the name Lib Wubum! Terrible deceptionist! Jedi terrorizer! Loser of the most titles to Darth Vader! One who talks too much! The short sighted sith! Master strategist! User of-" A brillant beam of red light bursts from the spearhead, intercepting the Jedi's strike. Wubum flicks the lightsaber to the side and he guides his lightsaber, the glowing arc heading towards the Jedi's head.
  5. Rlain? He's sacrificed for both bridge four and the parshendi.
  6. "Interesting." Annimus's nose twitches as a new scent enters into the air. "There's the scent of death on the air, not uncommon, but..." Annimus's face scrunches up in confusion. "There's no scent of blood on the air." @Ookla the [Redacted] @Ookla the Forgotten
  7. The Islands: The Secret Room The connection isn't gone, just weakened for a time, but it grows stronger with each passing breath. I can feel it want to consume the light. Only my will and the connection to the light hold it back. Eventually the connection will fade and the darkness will reassert itself. @Ookla the Crow
  8. The Islands: The Secret Room A therapy cat came and absorbed some of the Kaos, I cut the connection, but I was able to not kill Calano. Instead only slicing his cheek. I was unconcious at the time, but Wizard came and blasted me with light, weakening the Kaos while strengthening my connection to the light. Calano was stubborn and refused to stop holding me, so he was blasted as well. @Ookla the Crow
  9. YES! THE CELLO IS THE BEST STRING INSTRUMENT! @Ookla the Debonair @Ookla the Unknowing
  10. Narrator Wizard punches the ground and vines burst from the ground, entangling Subversion.
  11. Welcome to the shard! If you enjoy roleplay or mafia, we have that here too!
  12. Wizard looks bemusedly at Evalyn. "How would this be a reconaissance mission on his security if he wasn't here? Just because he's here doesn't mean we have to strike now."
  13. "It's probably Santa Clause. I can hear someone breathing inside the limousine." Wizard sniffs the air, "it smells like candy canes and chocolate." @Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Kobold @Ookla the Pencil Taxi
  14. Yeah, we learned that the actual range for shape water is 5 feet, not 30 like we thought. My group is starting another campaign on Fridays for those that want to do more D&D and so I make a Aarakocra Monk, and I rolled a 18 for Dex and a 17 for Wis. We use manual rolling. The rest of my rolls weren't good, but those two with a Monk, plus the +2 Dex and +1 Wis from being a Aarakocra, which I wasn't even paying attention to that at the time. So I have a base armor class of 19 with no armor and when I can increase my stats I can increase Wis to make it 20. @Ookla the Crow My new character has a higher AC then you and they're only level one
  15. The Islands: The Secret Room ...It must have been the Nethergrim. That's the only thing that I can thin- there was a time when I didn't care if I lived or died anymore. Wizard was dead and so was Calano. I was just ready to die. @Ookla the Crow
  16. "Your illusions can help us get closer to observe, but why are you here? Your weren't originally part of this operation."
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