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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "The shadows called me and I was getting tired of just talking. I had to move, to do something against the murderer who has slaughtered my entire race."
  2. The Islands: The Secret Room The servant of The Kaos, kaos possessed me and I almost killed Calano. So we've been trying to figure out why and how that could happen, as kaos shouldn't have been able to do that. @Ookla the Crow
  3. Wizard staggers to his feet, his shadow looming over Evalyn and Mr. Misting. "The shadows take a toll on you the more you travel them." @Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Kobold
  4. The Islands: The Secret Room Partially, though that night, what I reanimated scouraged our home world for years. And it's coming again, this time it's The Kaos that is trying to free itself. @Ookla the Crow
  5. Annimus relaxes. I'll just have to drain the pure lifeforce from a creature. Not the esscence, but pure lifeforce. At least I don't have to fully drain, only partially. "Why did you want the ore?" @Ookla the Forgotten @Ookla the [Redacted]
  6. Wizard falls through the darkness, the chittering increases and the darkness tries to meld with him. Wizard pushes back, the contact with the shadows draining him. A few more symbols jump onto his fur, fusing with him. Barreling through the darkness into the light, Wizard slams into a brick wall, breathing growing ragged. Lying down to conserve his energy, Wizard looks up and notices Evalyn.
  7. The Islands: The Secret Room I want to thank you for your sacrifice. We didn't know what would happen. I'm sorry. @Ookla the Crow
  8. Welcome to the shard! Who are your favorite characters?
  9. Wizard stares at the portal, the blackness was soothing and attractive. He could fall in, it could be his last time. The symbols on his fur chitter and darken. Wizard leaps into the portal, diving into the depths.
  10. The Islands: The Secret Room You might want to sit down somewhere. My memory has been fragmented since I was bonded with the Nethergrim. I think I knew you before I knew Calano, I have a memory I'd like to share with you. The memory of the cave plays through again, but this time Emma sends it to Layra as well. @Ookla the Crow
  11. "You're ready? Well here you go!" Wizard points a claw at the ground, beneath Evalyn. A black bolt hits the ground, opening a portal to their destination beneath their feet.
  12. "Alright then." Responds Annimus, hiding the turmoil in his mind. It's a city by the sea. Whispers the voice. It's NOT a village, and definitely not THAT village. No, not the place that you killed. But you killed by the sea, and the sea will always haunt you. Annimus winces as his side begins to freeze. Reaching his hand down, he feels the telltale sign of the regrowth begining and not having enough energy to completely fuel the transformation. I'm going to have to drain again, and soon. "How long is it going to take to reach the town?" @Ookla the [Redacted] @Ookla the Forgotten
  13. What are you going to do about force lightning? Because that would roleblock your protect and a Jedi would die. Plus it would remove a vote. I'll trust that you know what you are doing Fifth, because I have no idea what I am doing. I have been confused for far too long. My gut says Fadran, but I will reread and see what my head says. Smh Kas I was just going to point that out.
  14. Yes, though it will not come for a while. TPBM is going to have to stay up late this week for many days.
  15. Narrator Wizard appeared, having been asking himself a question for thousands of years, "Who am I?" He still didn't know the answer.
  16. Yes, I have a slight vill lean on both Ash and Mad. JNV I have as Null since they haven't been around much, but I wanted to try to pressure someone who hasn't had much pressure. But I shifted because the elims don't seem to be feeling much pressure right now. Fifth, I currently read him around null-. Mostly because I don't like how much he pushed Silhouette, but I liked his posts before. And now his later posts seem to be less village like to me.
  17. I've been busy and trying to stay off the shard to not be distracted. College essays. Fifth I see nowhere on C2 where I voted you. So you can't really include me in that pool for voting you. I disagree with a Bookwyrm flip as I don't think he's done anything e!indicative for him. Since he often times does seemingly evil things when he is really just village. I'll go Alv to save Bookwyrm, and because he's just been lurking and not doing anything. Mostly to save Bookwyrm, though I don't like how vulnerable the trains are to manip.
  18. Got an idea, just need to focus on it, probably will only get one done tonight as I'm tired, eventhough I got more sleep. I'll start working on mine and you should work on your essays too.
  19. The Islands: The Secret Room Emma sits with Calano for a long time, tears still flowing down her face. A buzzing fills her head and the ring begins to glow. "It's Layra, she's trying to contact me again, since I fainted." Sorry, I lost focus when a memory returned to me. I'm Emma. @Ookla the Crow
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