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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The Islands: The Secret Room Emma crawls up and she sits by Calano, tears dripping down her face. "I never realized the holes in my memory before. What if each one holds a secret as terrible as this one?" @Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Floofy
  2. I've mostly been lurking during class, but I finally have time now to do something other than lurk. Everyone looks suspicious if you look at them under the right light. Most of those lights however are the wrong kind of light But why are you susing me? I don't believe you're evil and I know I'm not evil. I just had a gut feeling about Shining and I trusted that feeling, and it didn't let me down. Also good job Jedi! JNV, you've flown under the radar for a long, long time. Flick, swish, stab, repeat. Lib Wubum cuts a path through the streaming Gizka. How anyone can see these things as anything other than a pest is beyond me. Perhaps we could try to tame some Tuk'ata to kill them, but there's the problem of them eating anyone that isn't affiliated with the dark side. Oh I know, let's get the Terentatek to go kill them, though there's the same problem there. Perhaps I should tempt the murderous beasts to kill them instead of taming them, though removal would be to hard. Lib crosses off another plan in his head as he absently carves a path through the village, looking for his prey.
  3. The Islands: The Secret Room The contact with Layra's mind brings back overwhelming memories. Memories of that day. Memories of the cave. "Layra please don't do this!" The power lacing her body begins to seep out and the bones in the cave glow with a blackish light. Strings of darkness hold them together and each forms a pulsing black heart. "You know that we have to go through with the plan. No one else is more connected to you. Your mom can't do it, even though she was going to. That was why we snuck out." "Your words make sense sister of my heart." Emma hugs Layra for what they both know will be the last time. "Start the ritual" Emma opens her eyes and notices a concerned Calano standing over her. @Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Floofy
  4. The Islands: The Secret Room "This presence feels familiar Calano." Emma's forhead scrunches, "almost like you Calano. I'll try mentally." You feel familiar, rather similar to Calano. @Ookla the Crow
  5. The Island: The Secret Room "If I can just remember how." Emma slips the ring on her finger and it begins pulsing a warm red light. "Ah, that's how. Now to contact them." Emma concentrates and a link forms between her mind and the mind that was once in the room. "Hello, who are you?" @Ookla the Crow
  6. "I always frown. It's a principle of mine." Growls Wizard.
  7. They don't have to vote, it would only work if you got five votes shifted to another person, so, so long as no one votes for another train. There is no way for you to be saved if the Jedi don't help. It would take five manips, of which there are only six possible, two of which are Jedi, two of which are possible apprentices, and two of which are Desann. Those parties aren't going to work together to save you. I feel as if I am making a wrong choice, but hopefully the information will help us.
  8. Annimus's deep voice rumbles in the riding silence. "So where are we going again and what are your names? I am Annimus, the only survivor of my tribe." @Ookla the [Redacted] @Ookla the Forgotten
  9. He's trying to combine it with a Decanter of Endless water. And he wants to convince the DM that he can make Pykrete water, using holy water instead of water, then freeze it and keep freezing it to make a a holy water staff. He is also going to try to convince the DM that the frozen Pykrete staff counts as both holy water and wood. I don't think he's going to succeed, but he can try. We're in a land full of undead, and so he's trying to get a good way to counter them, When I as a paladin can do it very easily.
  10. I have looked back upon what I have written and I see how myopic it was. I'd blame my tiredness and rushing because I wanted to analyze but I really didn't have the time. I've been trying more, but had less mental capacity and time to do it good. Never, my brain's too paranoid so I have to talk myself into keeping my vote. Yes this is a problem of mine when I put down my thoughts, the paranoia I have inside begins to seep in and I write down my dithering. When really I should keep it in my head instead. Quite possibly as I'm not certain I believe in E!Shining, though I've been combing through Silhouette's previous games to see how much he actually is quippy when not evil. Not a comprehensive analysis, just bullet notes on general behavior LG88: V!Shining + Low posting + More rules analysis* + First Game = No Quippiness QF62: E!Shining + Medium posting + Rules analysis* + Coaching = No Quippiness LG89: V!Shining + Medium posting + Less rule analysis* = Little Quippy MR60: V!Shining + More posting + Random votes = Little Quippy LG90: V!Shining + High Activity + Random votes = Quippy Chaos Silho I think I've determined for myself that Silho is quippy because of a style change not because of allignment indicative, the problem being that there is only one E!Silho game for me to look at and it was near the begining, before the style change. I also marked Rules analysis with * because it's less common then it was back then and that was his playstyle more then. So I'm gonna stick with my gut on Silho. I'll go Fadran, I've only gotten a sense of nothing from him and his posts this cycle haven't been vibing with me. Yes, this is a problem that sometimes people's playstyles just rub people the wrong way sometimes, resulting in a constant E!Lean of the player. But my gut is my gut and I've got to trust it.
  11. I became part of a nonet today without knowing it!

    I was choosen along with the other cellist and seven other students to be part of the nonet that's playing at the choir concert and christmas music at the staff party!

    I am excited and also nervous.

    Mostly nervous because I can't work on essays that day, but I should have most done by then.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette


      Yes, some chirstmas music and a fun piece that jumps into treble clef when it doesn't have to.

      That part's hard, but I hopefully will be able to get it in a week and a half-ish.

      That's so cool!

      What's the piece?

    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      I don't remember, I'll get back to you tomorrow when I've read it again.

    4. echo74


      oooh good luckkkk

  12. Annimus rests his hand on the horse and inadvertantly transfers some of his energy into the horse. Climbing into the stirup and hoisting himself up. Annimus manages to successfully mount Heartfire.
  13. *Hugs* I'm sorry that terrible things keep happening to you. Hopefully you will find peace and better friends. Because those don't really seem like good friends.
  14. Annimus warrily approaches Heartfire whispering, "I don't want to do this as much as you." Carefully placing a foot in the stirup, Annimus hoists himself up and immediately crashes to the ground. Owww, that hurt. Then you should do it again. GET OUT OF MY HEAD! The voice retreats with one last barb, I'll never leave, murderer. Wincing Annimus slowly rises, steadying himself, but his legs still shake. Perhaps I can calm the horse. Annimus reaches out with his hand towards the horse, claws retracted. In his best soothing voice he whispers, "How are you girl?"
  15. Solid dude, and I respect you choosing not to switch. 9/#2
  16. The Islands: The Secret Room "It's a bit of my Kaos, tucked away in this ring by the soul of a friend. Tears begin rolling down Emma's face "A friend I sacrificed to make the ring. It damaged my connection to the Kaos, but they didn't know what was going to happen. I didn't know either." @Ookla the Floofy @Ookla the Crow
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