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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The Islands: The Secret Room Emma smiles and clocks her ear as if listening to something. "It is an old friend." @Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Floofy
  2. The Islands: The Secret Room Emma feels Calano's panic spiking and a memory returns. it's dark in the cave, The boy from the village is next to her. She tries to blink back the tears that do not come. Her power picks up the poor boy and he is sacrified, his power drained and it becomes a key. Emma inserts the key into the lock and a rift opens in the air. A great being of blackness begins to coalesce. In the Island the black mist begins to surge toward's Emma's open palm, condensing into a glistening blood red ring. @Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Floofy
  3. The Islands: The Secret Room "Yes." Emma cocks her head. "That's exactly what I saw, and it feels familiar, so very familiar." @Ookla the Floofy @Ookla the Crow
  4. I had a village read of Shining over a null read of Xino and my theory that Shining is less quippy when he's evil. I very well may be proven wrong next cycle. I desperately need another re-read of Shining, but I probably won't have the time. I'll probably end up making the time though, even though I shouldn't. Drake you make a convincing argument, but I'm going to need to re-read and convince myself to cross the line.
  5. That is also my question. Manip could be Jedi or Sith, or apprentice. I'll focus on the three sith manip possibilities Number one: There is a sith on the Xino train and they wanted to save Shining. Points to one of <JNV, Hael, Wiz, Shining> as evil. I wouldn't discount shining as he could have saved himself and the prasing whoever saved him as fake. But I'm not certain Number two: There is a sith on the Silho train and wanted to throw shade on Shining. Points to one of <Mat, Devo, Drake, Fifth> as evil. Number three: There is a sith that voted someone else or didn't vote and wanted to create confusion by killing Xino. Points to one of <Bookwyrm, Madagascar, Fadran, Turtle, Alv> Great, just great. My paranoia has sused everyone once again. >> And I just realized that there would be three other sith, likely only one that can manip if the other puts in the kill. What I'm getting from this is that Shining is either a sith and was saved because he is evil, or he's a villager set up as a ML/LHF. Don't know if I want to bite yet, though at the same time, killing Shining would provide clarity. Not certain anymore on V!Shining. I'll abstain from voting for now, though I'll likely vote at some point.
  6. The Islands: The Secret Room Emma opens her eyes and stares at the wall. "I...I see a dark mist seeping out of door. The mist is silhouetted by a red glow." @Ookla the Floofy @Ookla the Crow
  7. "Then let us get going." Annimus cocks his head, "how are you going to carry me, horses don't like tigers much, last time I checked." @Ookla the [Redacted] @Ookla the Forgotten
  8. My friend also abuses shape water. There were piranahs in the water down with the rest of the party and he was on a cliff 30 feet above, so he hurled the piranahs 30 feet above him and made them fall 60 feet. He has even crazier plans for it, that was just a simple use of it.
  9. Thank you all for the prompts! It's however going to be a while before I can get to them. Probably not until winter break, I have a lot going on right now, but I will get them done, eventually.
  10. Happy Birthday Elf!

    You deserve an amazing day!

    1. Elf


      Thank you so much! 

    2. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      You deserve an amazing day today too!

  11. How??? This is very similar to how V!Shining acts often times. He tends to make snarky comments V!Shining LG90 versus E!Shining QF62 Which I will admit is much earlier and he hasn't been evil since. But generally V!Shining is snarky and E!Shining isn't. So I'm out of time and need to take a test, so I'm gonna trust my read of V!Shining and his style. Xino
  12. They haunt my waking hours, they follow me through my day. Where can I hide, when they are part of me? Just a fun bit of poetry guys, go along with it.
  13. Not much currently, just trying not to procrastinate and failing. Are you suggesting a contribution crusade. I don't really like the idea of a contribution crusade as it can provide information, but it only gives information a cycle earlier than the filter killing them. I do suppose it could be usefull to kill a possible elim before they are replaced by a active player. The flip would also provide some info, but I need to re-read the thread before I choose to go either way. The hand scales need fine tuning and I need sleep before I paranoidly make a decision.
  14. I can't see anything in Silhouette original post, was what I meant.
  15. There's nothing there. What is so horrifying about it?
  16. I am a worldbringer now! I can tell stories! I can juggle knives! I am Thom Merillin!
  17. I know, I'm just going to be running on little sleep this week. >.< I don't need more paranoia... that reminds me of a race to the edge episode where they don't get any sleep and the twins study what kind of sleep deprivation everyone gets.
  18. I still have a small stuffed white tiger toy from when I was younger!
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