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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "I have one word to say, only one word, 龍."
  2. A previous game, which I can't expand on right now. And manip... manip is at the root of the problem. Jedi do have manip, but I feel that they're are less inclined to do it and instead use force sense or force push which are more powerful now, I think. Since a protect and a redirect has a chance of stopping the NK, while manip can keep the lynch in place. Idk...and also taking apprentices in is a action. So I feel like a tie would just be needlessly tempting sith manip, so why not push the vote over and possibly force them to use a manip over force lightning. Idk, I'll have to re-read C1 later and try to force down my irrational paranoia that likes to pop up when I am extremely tired and still working.
  3. Hey guys this week on Wednesday we will be dying broom soccer. - The peron who sends out the weekly emails.
  4. I'm sorry that sucks Insa. Take some time for yourself as it seems like you are doing a lot right now. Find those that you can talk to about your life and what you have going on. We are all here for you.
  5. I often try to provide some sort of reason for my vote, even if it's been brought up before, which I do see makes me look rather bad. What is in my head doesn't always make it down to text, it's just often how I play. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I've been trying to actively shift my playstyle a bit each game and this often gets me murdered early. The problem I'm having is finding time to do analysis. Because I don't have time after school, but I have time during a few periods during the school day. Looking back on my thought proccess, I mostly wanted to break the tie. The other stuff was bullets of what was going through my head a bit, which is contradictory to what I said before. But I've been trying to get my thoughts down more. Sorry in advance if this doesn't make sense, it's been written during the short snipits of time I've stolen from the rest of my schedule.
  6. Michael Vey is also pretty good. Not as obvious at the begining as Wingfeather, but it's still there.
  7. Not certain, perhaps you were touching a cat at the time. Very lucky creatures cats are.
  8. A growl arises from the shadows. "There is a plan to do some reconisance, other than that, there is no solid plan to kill Santa."
  9. Alright, I have my number. Feel free to start guessing.
  10. 7 was in your last 1b guess, that you put in 147. And then you got 703 as 2a and I'm assuming that it's the 7 that was right in the 1b, Nevermind, I see my flawed logic now. 012 - 1b 345 - 1b 036 - 1b 147 - 1b 703 - 2a 0 and 3 can't go together [0,1,2] - only one [3,4,5] - only one [0,3,6] - only one [1,4,7] - only one [7,0,3] - two in the right spot This leads me to 723, as my previous one, couldn't be an answer
  11. "Probably not, but you did cut down a very old tree. And with Gods it always is good to be cautious. I'd suggest leaving now." @Ookla the [Redacted] @Ookla the Forgotten
  12. One uh, party member got mad at a shop keeper laughing at them, so they cast fear, which has a wisdom saving check of 10...the shopkeeper rolled a one, peed his pants, ran into a wall and knocked himself unconcious. They then proceeded to try to find a way to rob him without getting caught.
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