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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Brandon, Kas Neil, Aeoyri, Aman Araris, TKN, Coffee, Cash JNV, Alpha, Devo, Ash Probably Village, Sorta Seems Village, The Danger Zone, Just Kinda Here I Guess. TKN is italicized because he's kinda in-between Danger and Kinda here.
  2. If only I was so lucky... Kas is right about LG93 and I do tend to mess more at EoD especially with ties as evil, especially to implicate someone else, like Silho in MR63(?) I think it was Have a great time with your family!! Uh I think so
  3. Never have I once suspected Archer to be Brandon Well he didn't even seem to realize that Araris was on the train too. Honestly...idk the evidence seems to point me after Cash before Araris because on rereading this cycle he sticks out more, but Araris disappears and hasn't reappeared too much. Flying under the radar again. The sacred coin and me passing messages helped So I'm breaking the tie in favor of Cash Araris Hopefully accurate VC: Wiz (1): Cash Araris (3): Niel, Aman, Coffe Cash (5): Kas, Devo, Aeo, Araris, Wiz
  4. Well Archer switched back to me from Aeo, saying that he wouldn't be back to switch his vote which to me felt like an elim teammate pulling back before the wagon killed his teammate. And how Cash avoided Araris completely felt like he's teamed with Araris...and it’s probably crazy but I also haven't had time to reread and revise. I hope I will later because I don’t want to do to Araris what I did to Archer. Idk how effective it will be but I hope it points me more solidily in one direction. Also I haven't has time to read your whole post, just the question as I'm rather busy right now.
  5. https://youtu.be/7WMdrTFd63U?si=FmOBSkMa8N-UrPKp Huh thought that that would change This is a link to President Nelson's prayer for all of us this Christmas season.
  6. Wait huh...that is weird, I've usually noticed when I'm keeping a VC which I wasn't this time. Weird, cuz I thought I was breaking the tie onto Archer, not making one.
  7. I might have to steal the idea as I like it too Kinda just lurking and keeping up with the thread, don't have as much time tonight but I kinda wanna make a SE pyramid
  8. @Ookla the Believer come educate our murder puppy!!!
  9. Somebody needs to make it a reality that image, you, your dog, and your water deer
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