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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The Islands: The Secret Room Emma pulls herself out of being a ball to respond. "We were sent to the realm that the clinic resides in. The clinic for the moderately brandofandonitis afflicted, which is a artifical realm that our parents created." Emma pauses, "Wizard...he's dead but also not dead. Last I knew of him, his spirit was taken as the guardian of the White Tiger." Emma starts to return to the ball. @Ookla the Floofy @Ookla the Crow
  2. "So are you going to move before they decide to try and kill you all? The longer you wait, the more time they have to muster their power."
  3. 625225441641484253612251444842516400642525644167667614425
  4. The Islands Emma huddles in her chair, legs up against her chest and her arms around them. Emma turns to looks at Calano and worry shines out of her eyes, "I don't know Calano, and that terrifies me." @Ookla the Crow
  5. The Islands "You were just as strange Calano!" Laughs Emma. "Eventually after a while, myself, Calano, and Wizard were taken to another realm by our parents to keep us safe from the scourage." Emma winces, "I think I might have inadventantly caused it." Memories flash through Emma's head, memories of a sleepless night, of a object calling to her. A maze of blood, a army of the dead awakening to her command, pulling on her...still pulling on her. @Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Floofy
  6. Metal rasps on metal as Wizard sharpens his claws. "When you are done arguing I can take you there. The shadows are willing."
  7. Only one I know of is Civilization VI off the top of my head.
  8. Scythe is fun, I recently finished playing it with my family before break! A friend taught me how to play Nemesis over break and was surprised that I managed to survive and win the first game.
  9. Favorite board game? Do you like 4x games, that is games that work on the four principles of eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate?
  10. Lib Wubum knew to be careful. In his line of work, if you weren't you were dead. Still that Krisbaan fellow seemed careful, nothing good comes of dealing with the force. Nothing good at all. Still, his bounty should be around here somewhere, perhaps hiding in the shadows. The comm going out took out his tracking fob and now he was stuck with the old method. "Don't mind no old method, just won't get done as fast. More danger of those sith fellows." Lib fingered his spear first and his gun second. Nothing like a good old gungan spear to get him out of trouble, though if the legends were right. It won't do me any good 'gainst a sith. I don't have much time after the RP and I nearly thought we'd gotten someone, til I read the rest of the sentance. >> I need to re-read the thread a bit, don't know how much time I'll have today though. Out of time for now.
  11. Happy birthday!

    I love your dragons that you drew!

  12. This should be the proper VC Xino (2): Ash, Fifth Szeth (4): Xino, Drake, Fadran, Wiz Madagascar (2): Hael, Szeth Silho (1): Bookwyrm Turtle (1): Silho Ventyl (1): Madagascar Currently in class, but I'm here. Still confused on Szeth, so I'm going to leave my vote.
  13. The Islands Emma takes the seat next to Calano, still holding his hand. "My parent's names were Joe and Jerrica. I was also born in a cabin in the woods with my twin, Wizard." @Ookla the Floofy @Ookla the Crow
  14. The darkness in the corner takes form and slowly it shifts back to a tiger. "I am back from hunting, what did I miss?"
  15. Ties can be usefull, but I have started leaning against them. And of the two, Szeth seems suspicious to me. (JNV) It's the little things, like not wanting to double up on a poke vote, when that is a way to produce more activity. Because I agree with Fifth's point, I don't feel threatened if I don't have the most votes. Heck, even part of the time I don't feel threatened when I have the most votes. Though that usually is when I have the most further away from EoD not when it's ten minutes to EoD. Also the joking about being Desann, which could be fake, but I don't know if Szeth is that kind of player.
  16. "Trees have minds same as you and me. They run of the same essence that provided sentience to us. The same essence that powers my armor." @Ookla the [Redacted] @Ookla the Forgotten
  17. Lib moves from his seat towards the bar, his haillu moving into a more aggressive pose. "Give me a drink Sajhe, just the regular, not the paint stripper Iboek brought." Hearing the conversation Lib turns around to face who had spoken. "Comms are down, not good with the sith in town, but very good for a bounty hunter looking for their prize. A dude just came in yelling about it." Lib tosses a holopuck on the table and a familiar face pops up. "Does this look familiar to you Jev(JNV)."
  18. Lib Wubum walks into the bar, cursing, he straightens up. "I am looking for a fellow by the name of Jede, though that may be a false name of their's." Lib scans the room while fingering the tip of his Electropole. "Anyone at all?" Three puts it to 16% of players while four puts it to 22%. I'd probably lean towards one, though I am not an expert on distro assumptions. I think only one because of the fact that the Sith only need to kill the two Jedi, so don't die Jedi.
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