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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Hmm, do I post and make it so I almost lose or do I claim that glory? ... ... ... GLORY IT IS! 187
  2. "Perhaps, though even I do not know much other than you cut down a ancient tree. One that had been with the forest for many years."
  3. Keep reading there will be light again! It's a incredible book and it has a amazing ending.
  4. Terribly Amazing Where are you at in The Warden and the Wolf King?
  5. The part with Pete is amazing! ... Finish book four
  6. Nice! What do you think of the durgan guild and what happened at the end of book three with the bear man?
  7. Granted. Anyone that sees you has a insaitable hunger for platypus and will do anything to get it. NO ONE IS IMMUNE, including your subconcious. I wish to always be on time.
  8. The Islands Emma smiles as the wind blows back her hair. Thank you for being you Calano. I'm glad I made the right choice in accepting your offer. "Where are we going third?" @Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Floofy
  9. Annimus holds Anikel's gaze his eyes carrying the penetrating gaze of a predator watching it's shifting prey. "I will adhere to it. I gave my word. Though many on your caravan may hate me since my race is not viewed kindly by others."
  10. That's good! That's not good! Hope you get better! Typical D1, we now have a three way tie and basically a flash wagon on Kas, started by Szeth. Three way tie on me, Bookwyrm, and Kas.
  11. The Islands Emma takes Calano's hand and they follow Telrao. So what do you think they are going to do Calano? @Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Floofy
  12. Bookwyrm is playing very similar to QF63 and as you pointed out earlier, his votes have been very opportunistic, I suppose it's also a bit of gut, since it's D1. Alvron I can't quite get a read on could really lean either way, so I suppose that would make that one gut. Szeth has also been acting a bit odd, though I've never played with them before and it's been a while since they've been round these parts. Could be old Meta or something, just seems odd how fast they sheeped you, though I'd rather keep my vote on bookwyrm.
  13. I'm fine with letting it rand, since Bookwrym seems the most evil to me and Alvron ... I don't have a strong feeling either way, maybe a slight e lean. This way I'm only gambling with my own life, not the village's future.
  14. The Islands Emma lands next to Calano with a solid, "thwmp!" Emma stands up and helps Calano stand up, not feeling any of the nausa herself. @Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Floofy
  15. Yes! D&D is fun! Currently I've been helping my friend find ways to abuse the cantrip shape water.
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