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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Calano's Office It sure feels good to be a tiger again. I love lions but I much prefer being a tiger. "I'm not certain, but I can try." Padding over to Calano and Emma, he brushes his nose against Emma. Interesting, very interesting. I can sense her, but it's fleeting and scarse. Perhaps...no I'll have to do it. Wizard looks at Calano, "there is something I can do, though you should set her down so it doesn't affect you. You can continue to hold her if you like, but you will recieve a massive shock if you don't let go. I'll leave it up to you to decide." @CalanoCorvus
  2. decided it would be a good plan to get all the volcanos to dance in a konga line.
  3. Jason's Dreamscape "This may be a little uncomfortable, but it will be fast." Wizard grabs Calano and his clothing in his jaws, gently holding him. Wizard turns and dashes full speed at a wall, a brilliant white portal appears right before they hit and Wizard skids to a stop in Calano's office. Wizard releases Calano and grins. "That was fast, wasn't it?" @CalanoCorvus
  4. Jason's Dreamscape "I can feel it through our twin's bond, though that has been severely weakened by my death." Wizard pads over to Calano. "And perhaps it's a good thing too, since it is possible that the Kaos could have used it to try to control me. But not since I'm dead." Wizard looks at the apple and laughs, "you can use it if you want, or I can just take you directly back to the clinic. Much faster and it relies less on unknown things." @CalanoCorvus
  6. Finally! I am a full feruchemist. Time to store that speed!
  7. It's fine, and now the thread will probably revert to normal, since you two were the active ones in solving the riddle.
  8. Yes, Questions has solved the riddle. Here, have a weasel
  9. Yes Yes No You can when you solve it, or think you've solved it.
  10. Still somewhat drowsily he replies, "good thing I can suck them dry. At least once their mostly dead."
  11. It's decent, not non-existant, but not impressive either. How many cats could you survive being swarmed by?
  12. Incredible! I like the Havah Syl the most It looks like Syl at different ages, and I suppose it at different stages of maturity for her
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