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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Okay, but you'll probably have to put your quesitons in spoilers since they could give him answers based on the questions you ask.
  2. Only on a trampoline Have you ever done a backwards summersalt onto your bed?
  3. A FELLOW LIBBY USER! *Ahem* Welcome to the shard! We also have a awesome community besides the theorizing, if you like roleplaying, mafia, or random stuff.
  4. 92251625! Also respond in the code if you crack it, please
  5. You can give up, but the riddle never will. It's tendrils have reached inside of you and you will always wonder the answer. You are on the right path and getting closer to figuring it out.
  6. No No No It is most definitely a hobby, but no. No Yes!
  7. Yes, any punctuation is fine so long as it isn't a period
  8. No Yes, and I'm going to shut down any cosmere thinking about this. This is earth, normal earth. Nothing from any fictional books in here. If a kandra is dead, their mass is completely obliterated or their spikes have been removed. Since that would be a kind of death to them.
  9. No It is a normal forest. To say more would to be to give you a clue.
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