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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. When you see a group of kids surrounding a single penny on the ground.
  2. Welcome to the shard! What's your favorite Aon?
  3. Welcome to the shard! And boy are you in for a wild ride!
  4. How would you do that? It only allows for one selection for me
  5. Jason's Dreamscape I'll have to remember to keep that in mind. "I am here, mostly because of what is coming. I can feel it. The Kaos tries, even now to reach it's tendrils through reality and to remake it in it's own image. It isn't free yet, but it will try to force those connected to it, to free it. It already tried to control Emma and it very nearly succeeded." @CalanoCorvus
  6. I second this motion and I'd like to first the motion that we forget all periods while here
  7. Jason's Dreamscape Wizard grins, "definitely like Emma. Though at least she probably won't drop twenty volcanoes on me." @CalanoCorvus
  8. Jason's Dreamscape "Well, there is a way to tell how alike they are," grins Wizard. Turning to Layra he asks, "how mad have you gotten at someone for not telling you something?" @CalanoCorvus
  9. Jason's Dreamscape One of Wizard's eyebrows climbs as if to say, you think that hurt? He smiles at her and replies, "you remind me a little bit of Emma, my twin." @CalanoCorvus
  10. Jason's Dreamscape "I was in your dream." Wizard's fangs gleam, "and it is very easy for a guardian to trail who they wish, without their prey knowing." Wizard looks over their startled faces, "sorry, cat analogy." Wizard turns to Layra, "I am Wizard, I died protecting Calano from a cultist chicken, but one of the guardians in our land took my spirit. And it made me the next cat spirit guardian. I act on the will of the circle of cats. Which are all of the previous cat guardians. Any other questions?" @CalanoCorvus
  11. "And now, the dramatic exit. What's that!" *Disappears*
  12. Jason's Dreamscape "This dreamscape..." Wizard searches for a better way to explain it and finds none "...it's in another reality. One where the tiger guardian was seen as a lion instead of a tiger." @CalanoCorvus
  13. Jason's Dreamscape Wizard bites of a scathing reply and simply answers. "I'm Wizard, Calano." @CalanoCorvus
  14. Jason's Dreamscape Wizard booms in a unrecognizable voice. "I am here because I willed myself to be here." Then in his normal voice, "mostly I was just following Calano." @CalanoCorvus
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