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The Wandering Wizard

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Posts posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. 13 minutes ago, Ookla the Paradigm said:

    Wake up, babe, a new SK suspect just dropped! 

    If Aman isn't the SK, their play so far has been 🤨

    Ignoring Neil's questions for now because that requires a keyboard and some time to respond to. I spent last night trying to decide why Araris was pinging my gut and I think it's just because his playstyle feels disingenuous when you're on the receiving end of it. Araris stabs then doubles down. I can't remember the last time he reconsidered mid cycle and actually changed his mind. So I think I'm reading too much into something inconsequential. 

    I've also decided I like the mindset that led to Aeoryi's Archer!Brandon theory. The problem is their inflated sense of personal danger means they might have done the math and realized if the wagon on me fails because of a Brandon claim, they're suddenly on the chopping block with too little time to react. But I don't think e!Aeoryi articulates the Brandon theory in thread, so I'm reading them as village. 

    Bald Raveness

    Why the switch to me?

  2. 5 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

    Zira transformed into a bat, flying over the fire and landing on Emma. She fumbled with a vile, trying to pull the stopper but eventually just crushing it in her hand. It sizzled, dripping onto Emma's wing, which began to dissolve.

    She screamed, a raw raven's croak and she kicked Zira off of her, but it was too late.

    She plummeted and barely managed to slow her descent enough to only stun, instead of dying.

  3. 14 hours ago, Ookla of Ravens said:

    Richard catches her for a moment, then slips and lands on his back, keeping anna off the ground.

    Anna tumbles on top of him, her hands pressing against his chest to keep her from falling on the ground. Her hot breath huffs down on him as she holds a sword to his neck.

    "I win," she says, blushing.

    23 hours ago, Ookla the Raveness said:

    Lilyana fell ontop of her, her body above Aster's. She blushed furiously as she looked down at Aster.

    "Well u-uhm that wasn't w-what I expected t-to happen."

    @Ookla the Resolute

    @Ookla the Resolute

  4. Just now, Ookla the Believer said:

    Zira grinned. "Medea isn't the only one who ended up with venom."

    For the plan I have to escape, I have to leave this place...I would anyways, she's not here anymore.

    "Yeah but there's some tricks I didn't teach you..."

    A wall of fire sprung up before her and she flew into the window, smashing it to smithereens. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Ookla the Believer said:

    "No, we don't," Zira hissed. "You're going to go down to the dungeon, and you're going to realize just how much it hurts to fall in love, to kiss them and kill them in the same breath. Understand?" Several guards started to fill up the room behind her.


    I tried to find your old list as I don't remember and lost the will to look through the thread 😅

    Emma's smile twisted, "and how dear daughter do you think you and your toy soldiers are going to do that?"

    2 minutes ago, Ookla the Yellow Sock said:


    The guards file up in formation, armed thoroughly with weaponry and bullet proof wear. 


    Is hard to plot but not impossible, we've might have whipped something together 👀


  6. 1 hour ago, Ookla the Abstract said:

    He locked eyes with her as she approached. His were a stunning amber. There was something that felt wrong about him somehow.

    @Ookla the Raveness

    Charlotte's hands clampped around a sword nearly there, almost she could feel its weight in her hand.

    "Who are you?" She asked, hands still by her sides, reaching for a weapon that wasn't there. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

    Wizard (ravenness): They've been fairly joketive, and they did say that their Elim tell was going inactive (which btw, @Ookla the Raveness is kinda happening rn) but like I feel like this is standard wiz behavior.

    Yeah I have a bit :P


    Should get that out of the way as it was just a joke/welcome vote :P

    Hmm honestly half tempted to vote you, with you playing like a Bazelgeuse (chaos play) and all. 

    @Coffeecat Coffecat

    Appear and join the living. Also your post felt evil to me, can't quite explain why, but perhaps it will come clear with more posts from you hmmm? 👀

    Edit: uh apparently code coloring doesn't work...manually coloring now.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

    And she gobbled him up!! And he was delicious!


    Zira sank her fangs into him, almost quivering in delight. She felt the moment his life force left, felt all of it, and some part of her deliriously happy mind felt...guilty? A tiny part. Another part of her worried. This was not normal. This wasn't...she shouldn't be feeling this way. It was a weakness. She needed to be above weakness...but that too was a tiny part of her. Most of her was simply pleased. Satisfied. Finally, she turned, leaving the two drained corpses behind. It was time.

    @Ookla the Raveness

    She found her weeping in her room alone, tears splattering the ground. She didn't even seem to care that Zira was behind her.

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