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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. This is good. You're very good at writing the rememberance of the event, it has power. I'm also out of rep
  2. Interesting. It was just me fake claiming who I was going to stab. I very much wanted to say I was a TD in it I think I'm going to keep using and encrypt it a bit more, came up with a really good way to make it harder to crack. 52981676361814919681196492253636
  3. Jason's Dreamscape Wizard's ears flick back and he stops himself from hissing. Hiding would be best for now. It's easier to defuse magic that way. Wizard vanishes from sight, his fangs disappearing last. The tiger stalks Calano and Jason, waiting, listening, learning. @CalanoCorvus
  4. Zahel Lehaz There's my little joke But seriously Mat I was evil in every distro??? That seems quite cursed. I had fun, just stressed and really wanted the immunity order last round, we decided to try and chance it to save it for later, almost worked out. Almost. Kas, village is so much better. Evil is fun, but this game really convinced me that it is better.
  5. Calano's Dreamscape The tiger curses and goes to follow Calano. Wait! Wizard curses mentally as he waits for the council to convene. What is it this time? Bites off Wizard. You stretch your bounaries too far. You become to familiar with these people. They ARE MY PEOPLE! Not anymore, you are dead and the only reason you live is you were choosen as a guardian, you have been negligent in your duties. Wizard bares his fangs to the council. They NEED HELP! I CAN NOT, NOT HELP THEM! It rubs against my very being to do otherwise. The oldest tiger constelation steps down towards Wizard. I was as you are, you have higher duties now, but I can give you a leave to try to save them. It is true that they will not survive without your help. Wizard turns tail and prepares to leave. One more thing, young kit. Wizard pauses. Yes? Don't forget what happens if you fall. A chill runs down Wizard's spin and his tail twitches. I will be careful, Scarred one. Wizard vanishes in a flash of light, tracking Calano. @CalanoCorvus
  6. Oh nice I was right! I have a *slight* obsession with Mat. - @AesSedai318
  7. Anybody elsa getting cold? And it is sagain...Oops.
  8. "We could just transport your bodies as well into his mindscape. Simple enough if you have a elsecaller."
  9. Mat says variations on it, I think he also says that specific one. Mostly he is known for saying. Dovie'andi se tovya saigan.
  10. Wizard grins, his whiskers turning upwards. "Yes, though you won't have to deal with the cherry surprises. Mostly just the distractions, so me, Tani, and Silhouette. I'd be a better help as a distraction, they've been waiting to murder me for a long time."
  11. "GOLLUM! GOLLUM! GOLLUM!" "Solve our riddles you haven't. Tick tock." Feel free to help!
  12. "Tani, yes, you can help Silhouette with the distraction. Bookwyrm, do you have a plan to smuggle your team inside? I was thinking that the two that can become elves, smuggle you all in as a shipment of candy."
  13. "Very well then." Wizard moves up to the board, stands on his hind legs, and begins pacing. "If we are to infiltrate Santa's subconscious. We will need a distraction to sneak Telrao and Insa inside. Then we need a way to sneak in a party that can enter Santa's subconciousness. Any questions so far?"
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