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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Wizard's eyes widen. "Really? I haven't seen one of your kind in centuries. How is your race doing?"
  2. I have not read that book. Probably a similar one in it, but it's not the one I'm thinking of. Edit: I found the actual quote There's no such thing as im-POSSIBLE, [REDACTED BOOK CHARACTER NAME], only im-PROBABLE. The only thing that limits us are the limits to our imagination
  3. "Doesn't matter, they have anti air festive weaponry. We tigers learned that quickly to our detriment."
  4. "My scouting trips into the north pole have shown that there are outposts everywhere. With candy cane shooters ready to spike you with festive cheer. Yes Santa has been dabbeling in hemalurgy!"
  5. The bengal tiger rises from the floor. "I at first found this funny, but only because I've been waging a one tiger war against him for centuries. I am one of the few left of my species. They originally helped me in this war, but they have all lost their lives in this effort. And only I am left." Wizard bows his head in remeberance of all his friends lost in this age old war.
  6. That's how to train your dragon two! Hiccup is naming the island with toothless! "Nothing is impossible only improbable."
  7. *Blocks the route* "You hasn't answered our riddle." *Begins humming angrily*
  8. *Creepy voice* "OOOHhhh. We knows it! We knows it!" *Cooing softly and in a sing song voice* "It's our preciousssssssssssssssss!" *Pounces on Telrao*
  9. I understand that, just the idea that Santa is TLR is hilarious to me and so it translated to Wizard a bit.
  10. "The foul edit button doesn't work against my time traveling powers!" 158
  11. The Aarakocra is immediately cursed for forgetting the number count. A small of stature wizard appears near Aarakocra. "Read the rules, you should have. Avoided this unpleasantness, you could have." 156
  12. I could never do that. You must puzzle out the answer to the riddle.
  13. What is the cat doing? I only sneezed out a gallon of water. That's a strange look you've got on your face.
  14. Why is the man lying dead in the forest. Any questions? Ideas? Theories? Crack-pot-schemes-to-make-wizard-reveal-the-answer?
  15. Did you know you can snort air? ... ... ... Why? NO, NEVERMIND DON'T ANSWER THAT!
  16. Calano's Dreamscape The cluster of stars in the sky forms into a tiger. It circles in the sky, watching, waiting. Tail twitching, ready to pounce if need be. @CalanoCorvus
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