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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Annimus manages to croak out a word in the common tongue. And with a burr he yelps, "help!" Before collapsing back to the ground. @xinoehp512 @Channelknight Fadran
  2. He is a person and actually is dead. He just didn't decide to stop living. Sorry for the confusion there. >>
  3. It's right, just spent forever getting my own table up and it's the same, you beat me to posting one. Here's mine based on claims. Sorry about the unorganization, it's mostly there. Then I made some edits and forgot to organize it again. C1 No claim from Nerdy, MM, Xino or Chantara....forgot Dannex didn't claim either >.< Can safely ignore chantara and dannex given they both have already won the game. Only Nerdy, MM, and Xino are adverse to claiming who they targeted. I'm going to ignore the immunity problem for now and just list how many times people were stabbed each cycle. Stabbed twice: Wiz Stabbed once: Whysper, Bookwrym, Devo, TUN, Kas C2 Dannex, Xino, MM, and Chantara all didn't claim. Nerdy claimed Kas, the person protected by vote immunity. Seems strange, not certain if it's something E!Nerdy would do though. Stabbed thrice: Bookwrym Stabbed twice: Wiz, JNV, Devo, Kas Stabbed once: Whysper, TUN, Chantara C3 No claim from MM and Xino. Nerdy once again says they stabbed Kas. Not quite certain, just going to ignore it for now Stabbed thrice: Bookwrym, Kas Stabbed twice: Wiz, JNV, Devo, TUN Stabbed once: Silho, Dannex, Nerdy C4 Can't really judge claims yet, as the cycle has only recently started. Stabbed thrice: Bookwrym, Kas Stabbed twice: Wiz, JNV, Devo, TUN Stabbed once: Dannex, Nerdy, Xino, MM I think for now I'll go TUN, also willing to protect Devo.
  4. Avatar the last airbender, that is Sokka speaking. I'll contribute "I'm not trying to turn you into me; I'm trying to turn you into you."
  5. Calano's Mindscape A dark cloud boils on the horizon, rumbling across the waves, heading for the cliff. Yet it appears to be hours away yet. A voice speaks in Calano's mind, intrinsically familiar, yet he couldn't place the voice. Beware all you meet in this realm. All have ulterior motives...All. @CalanoCorvus
  6. He had a odd habit of teaching orphans to say. "Help! Help! I'm being repressed!"
  7. Calano's Dream A cluster of stars in the sky watches and waits. They have been waiting a long time for another being to make the choice. Shouldn't we go and explain it? Not yet. He still needs time to ponders. How long must we wait in this agony? As long as we must. And so the being of stars waits. @CalanoCorvus
  8. Good! Now explain again how sheep's bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes.
  9. The Clinic: Calano's Office Emma follows the connection to Telrao. This power is mine not yours little cat! And she severs the connection, the darkness flowing back towards her again. Emma curls her fingers and the bolt launches, only barely nicking Calano's right cheek. Emma collapses, having fought off Kaos in her mind. @CalanoCorvus @Telrao
  10. You be like Spooky spook, when he burns too much tin. Savants are people who use an allomantic metal so much that their spirit web is twisted by it. They gain a finely tuned control over the metal that no others have. But can experience some adverse side effects.
  11. The answer is quite simple I take a tall black hat, a wand and I pull the sandwich out of the hat.
  12. Seems plausibe, could have done a 3/1 but unlikely, would be easy to do though since most haven't claimed. But still highly implausible so Bayesian model says to leave it alone for now. Every swordsperson for themselves! Dovie'andi se tovya saigan! That sucks! Hope it gets better! You've voted only Xino, basically every round. A claimed SS and it seems like you are protecting a teammate. Could be wrong, but most people have you pegged as a SS.
  13. Welcome to the shard! Whose your favorite WoT character?
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