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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Ha! That's got to have gotten the TD's hackles up, a wasted mark on Turtle. A successful one on Whysper and one still floating in the void somewhere. That would work but I don't think all the Sadeas Slayers will go for it, considering they want to win. Wait...actually if we are assuming the TD's decided to equally distribute themselves between the SS and AA, a SS would have a better chance of finding a TD in the SS pool since Elkanah claimed AA, right? Oh, I took a stab at Aarakocra. Hope that helps, might model some stuff later, depends on how much I want to torture myself.
  2. I see your point and yeah, it would probably be more work than it's worth. Don't think that'll stop me from trying to repeatedly bang my head into a wall when I get bored in a class though. Fascinating. I'll look into it a bit more, but this has me curious. Probably won't help too much with solving, but I'm still going to look into it more.
  3. Welcome Gregorio! I think I've seen you round these parts before Here's a formal welcome to the shard!
  4. I couldn't count the number of cases, too much thinking for my brain right now. It becomes a even larger mess when you add immunity. Tried that for Devo and I stopped trying pretty fast. Far too many possibilities for right now, and possibly any time. It's why I tried to narrow down the field to the largest possible chance of survival and the largest chance of death. Less indepth, but less time consuming and brain hurting. >> Brings us back to the problem of the IKYK, plus there's one mark hanging out somewhere... Why haven't we tried to clear people who were targeted C2 from being marked yet? I know that it's likely that at least someone is lying, but it could help narrow down the field of marked individuals. What is a Bayesian model? I've never heard of it before.
  5. Perhaps this might help with the numbers a bit. Survival Rates for TDs: 1 attack - 50% 2 attacks - 25% 3 attacks - 12.5% 4 attacks - 6.25% 5 attacks - 3.125% 6 attacks - 1.5625% 7 attacks - 0.78125% 8 attacks - 0.390625% 9 attacks - 0.1953125% 10 attacks - 0.09765625% Of course this is all successful stabs, so removing any possible attacks that were nullified by the immunity this can help us find possible TDs. So claim your kills afterwards! It'll help us try to solve this mess I know, it's a hot mess. >> There's always the possibility that a TD could be fake claiming a rebound against a villager, making this a greater mess of a IKYK. Kas, you deserve my vote for now. Lehaz's respect, Keredin had. Sparred with him often, he had. Enjoyable, it was. Learned much from their bouts, Lehaz had. Muttering to himself. "Always, more to learn, there is." On the other side eight Sades Slayers walked out. Lehaz grimly looks at their numbers and he speaks boldly "Trap it is. Always with this one. Courage we must muster, quickly! Upon us the foe be soon."
  6. I'll flip my three sided coin. The sacred coin says ... ... ... ...
  7. But I like twiddiling my thumbs, it reminds me of people in tweed.
  8. I comprehend your riddling riddles, you tricksy hobbit! It was to me. I never tell the answer unless people guess it correctly.
  9. And we're occassionally being roasted by silhouette
  10. I'm afraid that's going to leave a mark. Perhaps I should challenge you and rid us of your presence.
  11. Silhouette likes being Wit and he is incredible at it, just don't forget to check your skin and soul for burn marks afterwards.
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