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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Yes A Coyote just passed me and it was heading north. Seems like good luck! *Said while in a theatre*
  2. Uhh, UhHH. *Quickly looks up things that cause bad luck* 4! 9! 13! 17! 39! 666!
  3. *Pulls out black cat* LET THE BAD LUCK PARTY COMMENSE!
  4. It is, in the insanity clinic I've traumatized Emma quite a bit. Killed Wizard and Calano right in front of her in fact.
  5. I peer into the cognitive realm, cause the beads to take the form of a dolphine and steal the sandwich, return to me, as I fully transport into the cognitive realm, for a brief second to take the sandwich and then I transport back.
  6. I'm trying to find the possibility of people surviving being attacked as if they were TDs. So take Bookwyrm for example. I attacked him twice. C1 and C2. That would be a 25% chance of survival BUT The TDs could have activated immunity so that would remove a attack on him once, making it a 50% chance So covering both possibilities gives Bookwrym a range from 25-50% of survival. Does that make sense? It makes sense in my head, doesn't like to transfer from it very well though.
  7. I can crunch the numbers from what little data we have now. I'll provide a range of maximum chance of survival to minimum, since immunity could have been activated any cycle or it could have not been activated yet. This data is assuming the person is a TD and using the statisically appropriate values of survival. Bookwyrm 50-25% Wizard 100-50% Devo 100-50% Whysper 100-50% Chantara 100-50% And that's all the claims for right now.
  8. I think it would greatly discourage people, since they would never win. Yet people being people would still post and try to speed through 3000 pages. 149
  9. I doubt it will. We will get bored of it and leave it alone for a few months or years again. 147
  10. I break the sandwich free from the darkness, using my dagger.
  11. Running the numbers, if someone is stabbed six times they have about a 1.5625% chance of survival, assuming they are a training dummy. I think, think, mind you. That you could soft clear players depending on how many times they've been stabbed. I would take this with a large grain of salt, a very large grain. Since, rebounds can't be proven, it would be based on player word and so, very, very shaky. Especially since TDs can fake claim for their teammates and get them a larger clear. I don't know, it could be very useful to try and narrow down the pool, but the TDs could be astoundingly lucky, use immunity if they haven't yet, or TDs can claim to have shoot their teammates. It's an idea I had, it could at least be used to calculate the chance of death a certain person has had over the entire course. Still would give us a possible very very soft clear of certain players and lead us in other directions.
  12. The Clinic: The Basement The Nethergrim snarls. "You will come back, I know you will. You care too much about her, that will draw you back to me. Always." The Clinic: Calano's Office Emma looks up at Calano, pain dancing across her eyes. "Kaos is free. The avatar of the Kaos is free. The Kaos will soon be freed." Her body shakes as her hand goes rigid, a bolt of blackness forming. Emma looks at Calano, her eyes hollow and empty, swirling pits of blackness. @CalanoCorvus
  13. *Coughs* You fool! I have been trained in your Jedi Arts by Count Dooku. *Coughs*
  14. Shouldn't we just accept the inevitable and just stop trying to kill Questions? He's important too. *Wins*
  15. I don't think everyone feels the need to vote. I mean, if I don't feel really anything about anyone, I'd just not vote, rather than self voting. And it would probably be people on my side, since it's kinda a team game and I'd rather my side kill dummies than the other side. IDK either. But if we start to stab at people who skew the vote later, that might lead to dummies. Possibly? Best direction for me to start in I think.
  16. What if we don't give out immunity? Then the TD's can't hide behind it and we have a greater chance of hitting a TD? The TD's can still hammer and give immunity, but essentially this would be taking their greatest advantage. So to even things out. Kas. Not me I stabbed Bookwyrm and it failed. 3614001481196494225225121529625324169
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