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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The Clinic: The Basement "You're not really in a position to argue, now are you. I can feel the Kaos pulsing in her veins, trying to force her to act. Ohhh. You gave her access to the heart of the clinic, not a good idea when that is what the Kaos is trying to corrupt." @CalanoCorvus The Clinic: Calano's Office A shadow falls over Emma and the Shadows in the room begin to pull towards Emma. NO, NO, this can't be happening right now! He should be still trapped. Kaos is free! Emma casts her eyes around the room, looking for a lifeline. "Telrao, help." Croaks Emma. @Telrao
  2. Except me, who shoots the sandwich out of Keys' hand and it gets stuck high up in a tree.
  3. Welcome to our amazing community here!
  4. The human mind wishes to destroy the undestroyable, thus by saying you are indestructible, we immediately tried to find a way and failed. Welcome to the unkillable club.
  5. Happy birthday, Trutharchivist! I hope you have a wonderful day!

    1. Trutharchivist


      Thank you! It probably would turn out to be tedious to tell this to everyone, but I celebrated my birthday four days ago, in the Hebrew Calendar date. Thanks nonetheless!

  6. Get some good rest, get well, and enjoy unraveling the secrets of the coserme! It'd make it easier I'd think. Targets you aren't going to hit is just telling them where not to mark. I'm of the mind don't say who you're willing to target or not, and only claim after the fact. Your point does give the TD's a IKYK but they can always just submit another mark the next time as marks are permanent. Which isn't good for us, unless we can I.D. the TD's before they have enough time to mark us all. It would take a minimum of 12 cycles, going with the 6/6/4 world. Now a 5/6/4 world. Fewer kills also hurt them, since they need people to be shooting randomly to hit their marked target.
  7. I AM FREE! Sorry Telrao, but you are now stuck as part of Mashadar. I am free, gloriously FREE!
  8. Lets try this translator. "Only water can harm me." Alright then. *Dumps bucket of water over the platypus.
  9. I'm the one corrupting you, I am Mordeth, the liar. And these are the parts we must play.
  10. Aparrently I've been serving you the entire time, dark one.
  11. This would have worked, except I counter it. Afterall, it's just a weave.
  12. The shield shatters as I channel the true power and I unleash true darkness into the world.
  13. Either way, dark purple energy surges through Wizard as he cackles madly.
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