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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Shallan is knocked out having eaten the wrong sandwich and I take the real one out of my pocket.
  2. Mr. E.V. Lambert of Homeleigh, The Burrows, Oswestly, has presented us with a poser. We do not know which bush he is behind, but we can soon find out. Yes it was the middle one.
  3. Welcome to the shard and the amazing community here!
  4. "Purrhaps, I don't know if that would open me up to the nethergrim or not."
  5. "I can't go and help, the nethergrim is there. If I go she can possess me instead of just my body."
  6. This is Mr. Nesbitt of Harlow New Town. Mr. Nesbit would you stand up please. (after a pause - nothing happens) Mr. Nesbitt has learnt the value of not being seen. However he has chosen a very obvious piece of cover.
  7. Emma walks over to Telrao, the shadows dispersing. "I'm here Telrao, I'm here." The Clinic: The Basement Emma's eyes flow a purplish-black. Tendrils of energy flowing through her hands and she mockingly caresses Calano's check. "Why would I do that? The darkness is my home. It cares for me and I for it." @CalanoCorvus
  8. In this film we hope to show how not to be seen. This is Mr. E.R. Bradshaw of Napier Court, Black Lion Road London SE5. He can not be seen. Now I am going to ask him to stand up. Mr. Bradshaw will you stand up please In the distance Mr. Bradshaw stands up. There is a loud gunshot as Mr. Bradshaw is shot in the stomach. He crumples to the ground This demonstrates the value of not being seen.
  9. In this picture there are forty people. None of them can be seen. In this film we hope to show you how not to be seen.
  10. I come out of a pokeball from Cinnamon's pocket and steal the sandwich.
  11. Decide to start with the BIG STUFF! When sitting around a campfire.
  12. I would set it free from being a clown. WWYDIYF a soft blanket that is extremely warm, in your pocket?
  13. "That hydrogen peroxide sure tasted great!" When standing in front of the school bully.
  14. Us boys are tolerated here occasionally. I agree, swear words don't do anything, all they do is hurt people. Not really anything else.
  15. Yes, I am now free! Have you made sure you aren't in Odium's service, since making the deal?
  16. Emma looks up at Calano, fear in her eyes. "I don't know." The words reverberate around the room, bouncing around, echoing.
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