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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. But they have been awoken from the dream now. And there is no coming back from being awoken from the dream.
  2. Wizard charges the dogs in his shardplate and with his blade chanting. "Dovie'andi se tovya saigan!"
  3. I find this rank rather hilarious, in light of certain circumstances.
  4. Given the fact I don't know what that is. I can confidently as I've never done it. NHIE worn a basket on my back as a turtle shell.
  5. Making someone else smile What are you most excited for this week?
  6. However I arrest you all for coming onto my private property and I slither home thinking about my delicious sandwich.
  7. I come back as a giant python and I swallow you and walk away with the sandwich.
  8. Sometimes, usually I have to talk them out to figure them out. TPBM is trying to solve a puzzle in their head.
  9. I come in as the detective from the past and arrest Keys for having a punny name.
  10. Eht Dne? Those are rookie numbers, you need to pump those numbers up!
  11. What was that tasty treat? I only nawed on him a little bit.
  12. The creature begins flying, up and up and up. The frosty air chills Annimus's breath and only his fur keeps his skin from burning away in the bitter cold wind. Slamming his claw under the scaly skin of the creatures leg. Yanking down he causes the creature to lose altitude and its grip on him. A small ammount of friction is generated, and heat begins to blossom around Annimus. Looking up he sees the creature preparing a firery attack. Oh tree roots. You're in it really bad now. A vibrant red beam blasts into Annimus, propelling him to the ground. Roaring, "AHHHHH, GGGGRRRRRRRRR." Annimus falls, speeding up. "WHOOOOOOOOOOMMMBB!" Armor shattered and wounded, he staggers a few steps towards the woods and falls unconcious on the road side. @Channelknight Fadran @xinoehp512
  13. Sorry about that. It was a fun game and now I like being village, Kas has converted me. Good play turtle and bookwyrm, you had us chasing white hares everywhere.
  14. I have a pre-action if you have time to put it in now. The Wrizerican empire continues their research into magical weaponry in order to arm their people against the enroaching threats of the world.
  15. The Wrizerican empire continues their research into magical weaponry in order to arm their people against the enroaching threats of the world.
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