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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. He also helped with this game. It's just their first game, so they'll have more time to improve it. I can't wait to play it, but it's gonna be a bit before I can play it.
  2. I don't know. The only other way I could see would be E!Turtle or E!Kas, but E!Kas is very improbable and I need to get homework done. And if I accept E!Kas then there also has to be E!Xino, but there is only one Elim left. So I'm clinging to my Kas read and I'm dithering between E!Turtle or E!Xino and my re-read makes E!Xino more likely than E!Turtle to me. I feel like I'm tunneling though Xino. I don't have time right now. And Kas just ninja'd me Wizard, hope you get your shot. I have to go finish a take home test.
  3. Yes, you should. It's very fun and engaging, also very hard but also really fun.
  4. Yeah Dirthmouth. Flat brings me back memories of banjo solos and extreme cello glissandos.
  5. It sounds semi like a theme from hollow knight, but I only catch glimpses. It's really good, better than some projects I've done in flat before.
  6. It's mostly the fact that you followed the train, which could have just been when you got on and the train had already formed. It seems evil if you are which was the possibility I was exploring at the time. If you're village then it just seems null.
  7. I have come to a conclusion on a mass re-read. Turtle Mostly be reevaluating the VC's at the end of each day (Future Wizard: Yeah, but you decided to add who died as well. And you started it too late last night, but now it's done. Just hope it makes sense.) C1 EoD VC There are two option's here. Option 1: E!Xino Xino votes onto archer about 0300 hours after the cycle begins. Using the typical format which was pointed out to him last game as being his usual village format, could be that or he could have shifted his elim style. No points either way. Bookwyrm follows him about 0700 hours after the cycle begins. Using the standard following your teammate by voting later than them. A little bit of evil to xino there. Option 2: E!Turtle Bookwyrm votes onto Archer at about 0700 hours after the cycle starts Turtle votes onto Archer a few minutes before rollover to avoid passive death. I'm not certain what to give this, but I will give it a small amount of evil. Those who died C1 May you shelter in the palm of the Creator's hand, and may the last embrace of the mother welcome you home. TUN is obviously the lynch train. Xino self protected. Could be a WGG or it could be a lucky protect. I'll give it nothing for now Archer was killed by Ash, which is now proven in his death. C2 EoD VC Two options once again for a impure train with both turtle and xino on it, and their speculated evil teammate as well. Option one: E!Xino At 0400 hours after the cycle begins, Bookwyrm retaliate votes Silhouette. Bookwyrm unvotes Silhouette at 0700 hours after the cycle started, giving himself a out in that his suspiciouns haven't been assuaged. Revote Silhouette at 0300 hours before rollover. Xino breaks the tie at 15 minutes before EoD. Seems rather evil, you have earned a moderate amount of evil points. Turtle once again votes to avoid no voting filter. Votes Silhouette at 1 hour and 15 minutes before rollover. Seems like it could be to get a reads list out of Shining before his death. MMMmm, I'll give you some evil points for that, but far before rollover so, actually give that a null/evil point. Those who died C2 May you shelter in the palm of the Creator's hand, and may the last embrace of the mother welcome you home. Shining was the lynch Kasimir was protected. Interesting to note that the kill didn't go after Xino again when he would be unprotected. Starts to make me think a WGG world. C3 EoD VC First of all we have Bookwyrm's first vote Here Xino votes Bookwyrm and claims being the happy camper, no counter claim. And he goes and votes books, tying it. Puts his teammate in hot water, couldn't know Kas was going to lead a Bookwyrm lynch later. Seemingly points to possible Bus happy Xino. Give you a moderate amount of evil credit here. Bookwrym goes after JNV saying it's better for his situation, setting up the JNV ML, sorry about that JNV. He removes his vote from Xino and everyone seems to forget about it. I'd give that evil cred for the fact that it switched from distancing to ML. Turtle doesn't even vote this round, which looks bad, but I know the reasons for it. So you get a unsatisfied null. Those who died C3 Bookwyrm was the ML. Violation hits me or JNV canceling the violation kill. Now here is where the possibilities get interesting. I will tryi to stay on course and not explore too many but lets start. Option one: Boookwyrm-Xino team Bookwrym puts in the kill and Xino chooses to still protect. This world seems less likely since they probably would have known that the lynch comes before the kill. The other Bookwyrm-Xino option is that they didn't even put in the kill and Xino just self protected again. Option two: Turtle-Bookwrym team Turtle doesn't put in the kill and still roleblocks JNV. This world is possible, but I don't think that E!Turtle would continue to go along with Kas's plan, instead just saving the RB for later. Can't tell either way C4 EoD VC Two options of E!Turtle and E!Xino once again. JNV train was most definitely not pure. Turtle seems to have forgotten to vote last round, not certain what to give it. Jumps on the JNV train after me, Ash, and Kas. The three village musketeers. Seems to just follow the mood of the thread. A few evil credit here. Xino jumps right into the train and asks why the elims haven't used their fenweed sap. Seems to point away from E!Turtle. I'd give this one a null/evil point. Those who died C4 May you shelter in the palm of the Creator's hand, and may the last embrace of the mother welcome you home. JNV was the lynch Ash was the NK, the tent fails to protect, probably was on Kas or Xino. But this makes me think that a WGG world is very likely. Since bookwyrm is gone Xino is the lone man on his team and has to submit a kill each night, but it's an action that conflicts with the tent protect. And I agree with Kas on this point, no way someones that accurate with a protect and no way the elim team doesn't kill Xino C2 and then is guaranteed to have no protect messing with their kill. Xino
  8. Just read and you will understand. It's a incredible series. You're welcome! You are incredible as well!
  9. Tell them a joke that makes them quiver. When helping someone put on armor
  10. I often find it hard to cry. Even when I cry I only shed a tear or two. I don't know why. I do more, mostly when I pray sometimes. Others I don't know why, music certainly does. I can't really cry at books much. Well I didn't when you know who died in RoW, but I cried when a character died in the wingfeather saga. Tell others the true and tears may come.
  11. Three puppies, four ducklings and one very cute cat :D.
  12. YES! It is a church him though, just letting you know.
  13. Don't bottle it up, that never works, never. At least from my experience it just leads to more problems and never helps anything. Have you ever listened to A poor wayfarring man of grief? I found the video, but if you don't want to cry at school, don't watch it while your at school
  14. I'll try to get a response in the clinic soon, but I've set a task for catching up in homework since I've been sick first. I hope that you'll find something to break you out of being depressed. It's not fun and we're here for you.
  15. Read all of the wheel of time I know how you feel. I wonder that about my friend all the time and even though I don't have a way to talk to her. I still wish her the best. And I also wonder what would it have been like if she had said yes.
  16. They'll be that way for a bit. And I had a similar experience this year. I would have tried to stay friends with her but her family left. I'd say don't repeat my mistake and stay friends with her, because she seems a great friend to have.
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