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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Yes, I can be very competitive, but I don't mind losing, a strange contradiction. TPBM is very quiet.
  2. I tend to listen to books instead. TPBM has read a newly released book in the last week.
  3. Emma slowly lowers her body to the ground, eventually reaching eye level with Telrao. Emma crosses her legs and pets Telrao, semi-stunned by the revelation. So Kaos does have something to do with your conciousness, she'll be insufferable now. Focusing on Telrao, It will be fine if you are with us, it takes effort for Kaos to take us over, because only he can act while the Kaos is focused on trying to get out.
  4. I have the opposite problem, I love snakes and all kinds of reptiles TPBM has had a bunny sit on their head.
  5. I've convinced myself more of E!JNV than E!Bookwyrm, who is still my number two suspect. But the possible WGG explained by Kas makes me want to go after JNV before Books.
  6. That seems very odd, since I know my teacher leads us and we're the advanced group. Sometimes he'll let us start it and run it on our own, but that's only when we've gotten really good at the piece, or it's a friday.
  7. Everyone that was around EoD was: Turtle, me, Kas, Ash, xino, the GM, and the IM. As said before I lean E on JNV and Books. I'm willing to vote on either one. I'll open up Books as an option, but I will consolidate on JNV if that's the way the way we are swinging.
  8. You run into my wall and while helping you recover I take the sandwich for myself.
  9. I'll try to keep it to possible worlds, but that puts my PoE solidly at JNV and Books. I'd like to hear their thoughts first. One with a knife and one with fenweed sap, would be my solution to that problem, I think. Or two with fenweed sap. The roleblocking would allow them to ensure they most likely get the kill through and the knife could help with the kill blocking. That's assuming a two elim team. I'll go ahead and claim right now, but this is likely to get me killed. I have silver dust.
  10. Sorry I didn't respond to you last round Kas. I meant to but, didn't get to it. I think that Ash is likely village but my brain didn't want to let go of the possibility of a Ash, JNV team. This seems to point to two possibilites. One likely probability and one improbability. (Future Wizard: There is one more possibility) The probably thing that this points to is a lower active/new player elim team, since most people would have gone for and killed Xino since he was probably unprotected. The less likely thing is that the elim team is trying to WBG Kas and Xino. I admit this one is a bit more of a stretch, as Xino could just be blocking the NK perfectly. Which is nice, since we probably have two more cycles, unless someone else has a knife, stabs a villager, and gets killed by the backlash. The improbability is that Kas and Xino are both evil and pulling off a WGG, scratch that. It's highly improbable, like it's more likely tomorrow is going to be the first of octember kind of improbable.
  11. Next round is lylo. Since were at 6:2 currently and if it goes to 4:2 next round, if we lose two people, then it becomes 2:2 and that is parity and a village loss.
  12. I don't think he's coming back before EoD. It is quiet, too quiet. The elims are too happy with the current situation, *sigh* or they are trying to show that they aren't afraid when nearly one of their number dies.
  13. I don't really have a preferrence. Mostly for me when choosing someone to kill. It wouldn't be someone I can confidently ML. A general rule I would use is if I can get the village to eat itself, then I would mostly sit back and let it happen. Currently entertaining the possibility of a Ash/JNV team, not 100% certain. But the first thing Ash did was defend JNV when he got back in the thread. Not saying that is totally condeming, but it's something that I am going to look deeper into next cycle.
  14. It is starting to cause me pain, since I've started to find fun in making PM buddies. I'm not solidly sold on anyone, possibly sold on JNV, but my brain is twisting other possibilities into being. At times I wish my brain would be still, but it's always moving. .__.
  15. Emma sense the cat's thoughts and poses a question to the cat. How long have you had this burden? I have had it for milenia and I still struggle to resist at times. Would you like to join me and Calano? Having others around that care for you can help. Emma grins. It's helped since I've been married to Calano at least.
  16. That sucks. I have a friend who has the same problem with the middle school orchestra he is in. Is the respected person a teacher or a student? Sometimes that happens that you have to go over and over it again. But we don't have a talking problem. And I'm sorry, but please don't bang your head against the wall. You are an incredible person and you don't need to harm yourself.
  17. It comes from the shakespearan english that I started, but I don't have the energy for anymore. I had a cool idea for Jeffrey Jeffrey, but I don't have really any energy to RP about it. Yes, currently I don't see them as e/e but that could just be distancing, or it could be two villagers shooting each other. I forgot the JNV vote meme
  18. I opened a PM with Bookwyrm nearly three hours after rollover. My mind has been running with teams that include Shining, Books, JNV, and sometimes Turtle. But I think I've convinced myself, for now, of V!Turtle. Currently when rereading the thread. I've seen that JNV has only posted once each cycle to avoid the passive 40% chance of death and has also voted in both of those posts to avoid the other 40% of death. It could very well be that they only have time to post once a cycle, but I have no other strong reads. Basically Friend: Kas, Xino, Ash Peasant: Turtle Foe: Shining/Books, JNV Anything in Italics is conditional, could move up or down. Here's the current VC: Bookwyrm (1): Ash JNV (2): Wizard, Kas Turtle (1): Xino Silho (2): Books, JNV
  19. Can you put any other reasoning behind this other than gut? Am I in there because of my late TUN vote, as I said in a PM I only got back on late, quickly reread the thread and decided to vote on TUN, since archer was looking a lot more vil to me than in the begining.
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