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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. I got shivers at the fourth eye connection part. I love reading your story so far!
  2. "The soulless are just soulless. They are neither completely from the Right nor from the Kaos. The Nethergrrim made a bargain with Kaos and became more connected to the Kaos than any other soulless." A fire burns in Emma's eyes, "it wasn't a burden I wanted, my family didn't want it either. But for some reason I was born connected to the Kaos."
  3. Good to know, and there goes my easy plan to figure out knife users. It makes me think Xino is more likely village, than elim, but there is the possibility that he is evil and his teammates attempted to knife and he self protected. That however is very low on my list of possibilities.
  4. All I have currently is a question. @Matrim's Dice would the person who used a knife and survived, would that be written up as they were attacked, but survived?
  5. "Yes, it is." Emma stiffens, "actually it's me that is more connected to the Kaos, not the Nethergrim. That previous response was instilled in me by my parents to keep it a secret."
  6. Alright then The Wrizrecan Empire focuses on combining their magic with technology to give them an edge over their enemies.
  7. I'll make sure to do that in the future, since I didn't know and I can't edit my previous message. Sorry about that.
  8. That is a very cute cat! You do have great skill in drawing cats!
  9. Doth not the rules sayest, 'thy failure to slay thine enemy, shall be thy doom.' I felt like crem yesterday, but now I have at least enough energy to try to help. Shining Forsooth my Kas PM, wast made at 1257hrs, yesterday. Thy friends lie in Kas, Ash, and possibly JNV/Bookwyrm Thy servants lie in Shining and Xino I beseech thee to see the knaves, Archer, TUN, and Turtle Edit: I speak with bad shakesperean english now
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