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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. I can now respond. We're all glad to have you here Elf!
  2. I would be surprised I hadn't already devoured it and then devour it. WWYDIYF a brand new piece of music IYP?
  3. Conversion is good. Conversion without spikes is better
  4. Welcome to the shard! What is your favorite sanderson book?
  5. Emma reappears by Calano and she lets Shadow curl up around her neck. Rushing over to Calano, she leans over his shoulder, looking at the cat. "You are a beautiful cat." Shadow being a cat, walks across Emma's shoulders down to Calano's shoulders and falls asleep.
  6. *Snorts* No. Smart? Yes. Smartest? No. It also depends on who you consider to be in the room.
  7. *Pulls out a full out paintball gun* "Sir, you need to leave NOW!"
  8. Editl Yes, I just got ninja'd Nope, just normal sickness TPBM has jumped on a trampoline.
  9. Coming now. Emma quickly scoops up Shadow and very carefully transports herself and Shadow to where Calano is. Emma lets Shadow see the other cat and she encourages him over to it. Shadow walks over to Telrao and he sniffs her and rubs up against her, purring encouragingly. Emma concentrates, eyes seeing another plane, using her gift and her curse to see the connection between Telrao and Kaos. That is going to be a problem, a big problem. Quickly she mentally relates what she saw to Calano. @Telrao @CalanoCorvus
  10. Emma freezes and she reaches her mind out to Corvus. "It's a cat isn't it? Do you think you could calm it enough for me to come with shadow? I have an idea."
  11. Emma's eyebrows knit. "That's the thing. When we try to trace it, we get the impression of fur."
  12. Yes, but the Shard doesn't let people under the age of 13 be on the site at all.
  13. "Perhaps." Joe opens the case and walks down into it and much banging and crashing sounds from the case. "Calano," whispers Emma. "I've been focusing with my mother on the prison, we know where it is. The shifting shifted where the prison is. If it shifts too much more..."
  14. It is quite possible to love both. My family likes to watch other peoples dogs and we have two cats. Golden doodles are cute, fun, and energetic!
  15. Welcome to this awesome community!
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