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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. So the smaller the rabbit the more spikes they have!
  2. If you are 13 you are a teen...If you're younger you can't be on the site.
  3. This is really interesting and yes you can double post if it's something your creating, I think. This...this describes me so accurately.
  4. Annamus jumps and barely manages to avoid hitting his head on the tree branch above him. What in the world is that? I've seen some strange contraptions before, but this. This feels unnatural, but perhaps it is the way of life. Life evolves and changes and so do people and what they use. Hmmmm perhaps I could make them plant two seeds for the one tree that they cut down. Purrhaps What are you doing back?!?! I told you to leave!!! I'm a part of you now, now and forever. BUT WHY! It has to deal with the ritual and what you did. GGGRRRRRR! "RRRRRRROOOOWWWW" @Channelknight Fadran @xinoehp512
  5. Emma's eyes close and she leans into Calano, letting him hold her. "Yes, yes we do."
  6. There is no hope for the dogs. They love getting rabbits too much
  7. They've been alive for about four years now, the rabbits can't touch them
  8. "Far too close." Emma smiles down at Calano and helps him to his feet. "It seems that world ending disasters like to nip at our heels far too often."
  9. Welcome to the shard Shallan, Veil, Radiant, and all the others!
  10. "Yes, the people know the protocol and they will leave." Jerrica stares at Emma's work on the portal. "You need to add just a bit more power to the quantum phalanx, dear." Emma's face flames red. "I see it, Mom and I'm working on it." The portal stabalizes and Joe and Jerrica walk through and Emma and Calano walk through last.
  11. "Alright." Joe runs do to the lab and hurriedly starts The Case sequence. He jumps out of the room as it folds in on itself and he picks up the case that is left behind. Skidding up the stairs. "I have The Case!"
  12. Emma picks up Shadow. "I'm ready to go." Joe looks frantically at Eric. "Our experiements and our work. They must be destroyed before we leave."
  13. "We know. We were the ones who put you in that dimension to protect you."
  14. Emma lays her head on Calano's shoulder and smiles. Feeling a warmth she had rarely felt since before the clinic. @CalanoCorvus
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