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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Charlotte's hands clampped around a sword nearly there, almost she could feel its weight in her hand. "Who are you?" She asked, hands still by her sides, reaching for a weapon that wasn't there.
  2. Emma trembled, wings beating rapidly. "So I guess we will just have to start again, daughter." @Ookla the Believer
  3. Yeah I have a bit Neil Should get that out of the way as it was just a joke/welcome vote Hmm honestly half tempted to vote you, with you playing like a Bazelgeuse (chaos play) and all. @Coffeecat Coffecat Appear and join the living. Also your post felt evil to me, can't quite explain why, but perhaps it will come clear with more posts from you hmmm? Edit: uh apparently code coloring doesn't work...manually coloring now.
  4. Emma bared her teeth at the wall, wings rustling furiously. "No, remember the plan requires us to stay here."
  5. She found her weeping in her room alone, tears splattering the ground. She didn't even seem to care that Zira was behind her.
  6. Lady Charlotte noticed a strange man in the shadows. He was luckily away from her aunt so she could investigate, and dare she hope...fight? She walked over to him, dress softly scrapping the floor. @Ookla the Abstract
  7. Huh? I could have also just asked in my GM PM instead of the thread amd gotten an answer. I don't Like I said it was a kayana world
  8. Standard yes but there's also the serial killer who would survive so either it gets announced and the player could be the serial killer or a villager...or an Elim cuz they wgg with a pocketed Brandon Sanderson...which is kayana in all worlds.
  9. Lilyana fell ontop of her, her body above Aster's. She blushed furiously as she looked down at Aster. "Well u-uhm that wasn't w-what I expected t-to happen." @Ookla the Resolute
  10. The icicles slammed into it and Lilyana growled slightly. Crystaline icy wings grew out of her back and she flew over the wall, falling down towards Aster. Anna tumbles and falls on top of him, yelping. @Ookla of Ravens
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