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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Happy Birthday! You'll have two years of happy birthday messages to go through when you get back :P

  2. Not lame, those are two of my favorite characters as well
  3. Interesting, I'm really curious to see where you're going with this.
  4. Welcome to the shard! I am also a member of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints. Who are your favorite characters so far?
  5. Happy Birthday! I'm glad for all the work you do for the community!

  6. Yup! My sandwich sense tingles and I lunge to the left, swiping the sandwich.
  7. That's half the answer....sooooo close I return to my home in Roshar and I ride a chasamfiend around looking for the sandwich.
  8. Yes. TPBM thinks animal themed armor would be really cool.
  9. Do you actually know the answer to the riddle though? I follow the sound of the vibrations of the universe and they draw me to the sandwich.
  10. I appear as a questioner on your path and I take the sandwich while you are puzzling over the riddle. You come to a place with two roads. There are two statues, one always tells the truth, one always lies. One path leads to where you want to go, the other leads to a jungle of death. You can ask one question, what question do you ask?
  11. But flash back in a confusing way and we have a period where the world is going to be destroyed by a being from the Zorth axis.
  12. Welcome to the shard! How many cosmere books have you read?
  13. "I will always be here for you Calano, you know that." Emma turns to Eliza and gives her a hug. "Thank you for that."
  14. I love your new profile picture xD

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      Thanks! @IheartKaladin4eva just got to that part in RoW, and so it inspired me.

    2. IheartKaladin4eva


      awwwww!!! its so cute!!!!!! :wub:

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