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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. I would name it Dr. Dinosaur... What would you do if you found Dr. Atomic Robo Tesla in your pocket?
  2. "YuP!" A blazing white aura winks into existance around the white tiger and they are shifted to the arena.
  3. Take it out and give it to a mouse, of course when he plays the cello, he'll want the proper clothes to go with it... WWYDIYF a sentient lifeform that wished to destroy the world in your pocket?
  4. "This voice has always been in my head, the armor makes me want to act. If you leave without digging up anymore trees I can pardon you this once. If you ever return and harm the forest I will be driven to kill you." Extremely painful as this is, then I won't have to kill anyone, hopefully.
  5. Lightning strikes infront of her and a white tiger emerges from the blast. "She is gone from the clinic."
  6. "No, but if you don't leave I will be forced to listen to the voice inside of me that wants to murder you all for the damage you are planning to the forest."
  7. Emma's face turns red as she feels Calano's embarrassment and it slowly begins to cool. Is that how it's gonna be with my parent? Hmmm. Oops, sorry dear, that was a retorical question. Emma turns around sensing a pile of shadows and she goes to it, and starts to tinker around with it. I think I finally figured this out.
  8. A rumbling growl begins to eminate from Annamus's chest and his claws slide out. "I suggest you become a dealbreaker then."
  9. The only two things on my list is 1. A good nights sleep 2. A day where I don't have to do anything but write.
  10. I join with hoid to roast those opposed to our three musketers (Telrao, Wizard, Cellist) and our enemies burn from the force of the roasts.
  11. "Yeah, I'm going to go up to the roof for a bit." Emma opens the window and climbs up the tree to the roof, staring at the stars as they wink into existence.
  12. That one's a joke and I could have sworn I had seen Stick claim thug. But I can't find it, so I guess I'm wrong about that.
  13. My school has been done for about 4 hours and 45 minutes. I summon the triforce and wish upon it for power and I smash the shield, taking the sandwich.
  14. I smash a viola over Rabbit's head, while sneakily intercepting the sandwich.
  15. The smile fades from Emma's face. I am feeling the exact same thing you were Calano. Our emotions are mirroring each other. Emma pushes the frown away. "Umm, yes please, please do invite them."
  16. I channel the power of Point Zero to take the sandwich from you.
  17. Only Stick has claimed, I don't really believe the claims much, but could be a possibility. Common assumptions? None that I can remember off the top of my head. I always have a hard time reading Devo, and I haven't really been able to pull anything from them, so honestly just Null.
  18. "Guardian? I suppose that term will work." Annamus chuckles. "You should leave the forest, it does not want you here and I don't wish to be forced to kill someone. Gather your things and leave."
  19. The unconcious figure stirs and then groans. That hurt, remind me to never take on a tiger again. Pulling himself to a sitting position, Annamus admires his new armor. My body changed again. I have claws?! Annamus glances up and sees a stranger in the forest. Not again. KILL THEM! NEVER! @xinoehp512
  20. Emma wanders into the house with Calano and immediately asks, "Do you know if my parents are still alive?" @CalanoCorvus
  21. Emma walks up to Calano and looks at Calano's mom. "Hi, Mrs. Corvus."
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