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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. I did join a D&D group at my school and I was able to join them in a dinosaur race as I didn't have time to make a character yet. I rolled for a jocky and made a well trained, non carnivorous dinosaur run BACKWARDS FOR TWO TURNS, BY ROLLING A 1. I later rolled a 20 when back on track and I still lost but got fourth. I'm gonna have so much fun, I am going to play a dragon born paladin, who is bound to a forest god. And I'm gonna go with the group searching for dragon bones, and my friend is part of the party and is a druid who sees his powers as a way to cheat nature and get gain. I'm gonna have fun interacting with him.
  2. Not the pits of Hathsin Not Keep Elendel Not the royal palace in Bevalis. 1. This place is owned by a noble family 2. At least one spiked individual has resided on this property
  3. Raoden? Does anyone want to guess the cosmere place? I've been waiting.
  4. I see you haven't read the seven wonders yet I would stare at it uncomprehendingly, wondering at the mysterious powers that keep it from burning my pocket. WWYDIYF a pumpkin in your pocket?
  5. I had guessed Not really any reasonable justification, but they gave at least something, rather than a naked vote. It's worse, because with an explanation people can at least start to see your thought process and that helps us solve, but with nothing, there's nothing to analyze or compare it to.
  6. I'm confused about this discrepancy, this and your lack of explanation for really any of your votes, except Mat, and I agree with you on that point, Mat does seem to know more than he should. But for now Stick, but I am open to the option of Mat. I'm really tired and I need to finish some homework and reread threads, before I finalize anything, but Stick is where I'm leaning, more than Mat, but this is subject to change. While that can be helpful I am against lynching Xino as I read them village and I'm fine if your going to push him, but I am not going to join you.
  7. Welcome to the shard! You are seriously one of the best artists that I have ever seen!
  8. Emma squeezes his hand back, "Go open the door, it'll be alright in the end."
  9. Did you get lost again? The streets surely have changed in however long it has been.
  10. I pull an atomic robot and fall from the plane, snatching the sandwich from you as I reach the ground.
  11. I use my powers of projection to make the sandwich smelly and I take the sandwich from where it was abandoned.
  12. Welcome to the shard! Who are your favorite character(s)?
  13. That's actually quite common if good evidence is provided. Edit: Well more common, as most people listen to reason...most Bookwyrm, it was mostly a test, for now I know that you, more likely than not, aren't being coached in the elim doc, so not evil.
  14. Leaning a null+ Xino, possibly up to slight village Hello ninjas I have a moment to analyze and I'm gonna try something different. One player at a time, as that would work best for me, and my limited time today. (Future Wizard: No this didn't work better, not at all) @Cinnamon D1 - Retaliatory poke vote. Apologizes for the vote, but doesn't remove it. Vote stays and Cinnamon doesn't get on to remove it. Probably times zones. Given that and the fact that they're new I'd read that as Null. N1 - Missed rollover, had planned to change vote, thought that voting was e! indicative. Disappeared again due to timezones. Village lean. @The Aspiring Archivist D1 - Kind of just there, but is a new player. Surprising to get a Meta question from a new player. Disappeared and didn't vote, could be a good sign. Null- N1 - Appears and asks a single general question. I am conflicted on this one, but I'm leaning. Null I would like to see more from you. @Just a Silvereye D1 - A kind of joke vote on Mat, seems kind of bold for a new person, but Silvereye has spectated before, might know how to blend in more. Says confused and lost, removes Mat vote. N1 - Doesn't show up. Currently Null @The Bookwyrm D1 - Confused about voting, says slightly confused, votes Ashbringer, b/c doesn't want to go after someone who hasn't posted. Says doesn't have good feel for suspicous behavior. Talks about D1 being confusing. Seems coached to me. Likes SE so that's good, but doesn't matter. Forgot the switch to Kas and back... Stays on Ash for survival. Ash more sus than Xino. Why? And what do you feel about it now? N1 - Comes in, RP's and leaves. I'm gonna put the pressure on Bookwrym for now.
  15. Emma grins, but her eyes seem distant, and her thoughts run wild, careening between her mind and Calano's mind. Perhaps they are dead. NO THEY ARE NOT. I will believe that part of the father of light, even if I didn't fully trust him, that part felt true. I would have felt them die. Would you have? @CalanoCorvus
  16. Kiss Android, Marry Windows, Kill iOS Chemistry, Biology, Physics.
  17. Last time I checked I was only wanted in the free kingdoms for that. TPBM likes to joke with people a lot.
  18. Take your time and get into the college, hopefully you get into the one you want to and I also get into the one I want to. Best of luck ... And my cat has returned.
  19. I just yawned because of this post, so yes. TPBM has a fun story idea or cliff hanger that they want to implement sometime.
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